my darling boy! how did you get in there! who did this? how did you get in there? is there a snake? it's all right sweetheart. we'll get you out of these terrible clothes. oh, professor snape, head of slytherin house. potions. but everyone knows it's the dark arts he fancies. he's been after quirrell's job for years. hello, sir nicholas. have a nice summer? gryffindors, follow me, please. keep up. thank-you. this is the most direct part to the dormitories. oh, and keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change. keep up please, and follow me. quickly now, come on. come on. caput draconis. follow me, everyone. keep up. quickly, come on! gather around here. welcome to the gryffindor common room. boys' dormitories is upstairs and down to your left. girls the same on your right. you'll find all your belonging have already been brought up. gryffindors, keep up, please, and stay alert!