excuse me, do you mind? every where else is full. i'm ron by the way! ron weasley. so it's true! do you really have the. the. the scar? wicked! no, thanks, i'm all set. woah! they mean every flavor! there's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. george sweared he got boogie flavored one once. it's just a spell. but it's the cards you want. each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. i got about 500 me self. watch it! that's rotten luck. they've only got one good jump in them to begin with. i've got about 6 of him. well you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? this is scabbers by the way. pathetic isn't he? fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. want to see? ahem. sunshine. no. ahem. sunshine daisies butter mellow turn this stupid fat rat yellow. i'm ron weasley. woah! wicked! mental that one, i'm telling you. there's no witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in slytherin. harry what is it? ah! i know you. you're nearly headless nick. ah! whew! we made it! can you imagine the look on mcgonagall's face if we were late? that was bloody brilliant! turn it to rum. actually he managed to make weak tea yesterday, before--- ah, mail's here. up. up! up! ow! shut up harry. seeker? but first years never make the house teams. you must be the youngest quidditch player in. fred and george are on the team too. beaters. oh go on harry! quidditch is great. best game there is, and you'll be great too! woah! harry, you never told me your father was a seeker too! i'm telling you, it's spooky! she knows move about you than you do! before the staircase moves again. does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here? that's it we're done for! alohomora? he thinks this door is locked. what do they think they're doing? keeping a thing like that locked up in a school? i wasn't looking at its feet! i was a bit preoccupied with its heads. or maybe you didn't notice. the three! she needs to sort out her priorities. wingardium leviosa! you do it then if you're so clever. go on, go on! "it's levi-o-sa not leviosar." she's a nightmare honestly! it's no wonder she hasn't got any friends! not on its own. trolls are really stupid. probably people playing jokes. what? i think the troll's left the dungeon! hey, pea brain! ugh! what? wingardium leviosa! cool. troll boogies. take a bit of toast, mate. go on. let's open it. it's not just a broomstick, harry. it's a nimbus 2000! jinxing the broom?! what do we do? come on hermione! fluffy? queen to e-5. that's wizard's chess. i see you've packed. change of plans. my parents have decided to go to romania to visit my brother charlie. he's studying dragons there. we've looked a hundred times! i think we've had a bad influence on her. harry wake up! come on harry! wake up! happy christmas harry! oh, my mum made it. looks like you've got one too. yeah! there they are. what is it? well let's see then! put it on! woah! i know what that is! that's an invisibility cloak! they're really rare. i wonder who gave it to you. why? i only see us. that's me! only, i'm head boy. and i'm holding the quidditch cup. and bloody hell! i'm quidditch captain too! i look good! harry, do you think this mirror shows the future? this is light? immortal! i know what it means! i know what that is! but hagrid how did you get one? that's not just a dragon! that's a norwegian ridgeback! my brother charlie works with these in romania. it's crazy! and worse malfoy knows. it's bad. okay. but if he comes back, you don't think he'll try to kill you, do you? and to think, i've been worrying about my potions final. speak for yourself. all right there harry? perhaps you should see the nurse. trevor, sh, go you shouldnt be here! youre a little scary sometimes, you know that. brilliant, but scary. its for your own good you know. ugh! its got horrible breath. what? ugh! yuck! ugh! woah! lucky this plant things here really! woah! kill us faster? oh now i can relax! oh now what are we going to do? ah! harry! harry! yeah. lucky we didnt panic! alohomora! well, it was worth a try. were looking for a big old fashioned one. probably rusty like the handle. oh, go on harry! if snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! youre the youngest seeker in a century! this complicates things a bit! hurry up! this is no graveyard, its a chessboard. its obvious isnt it? weve got to play our way across the room. all right, harry, you take the empty bishops square. hermione youll be the queen-side castle. as for me, ill be a knight. well, white moves first, and then we play. you there d-5. yes hermione i think this is gonna be exactly like wizards chess. castle to e-4! pawn to c-3! you understand right harry. once i make my move the queen will take me. then youre free to check the king. do you wanna stop snape from getting that stone or not? harry, its you that has to go on. i know it! not me! not hermione! you! knight to h-3. check. ah! alright. you?