hi, luke sanderson, bad sleeper, i'm your basic tosser-turner, and you are. and what kind of sleeper? obsessive worrier. join the club. and you? i'd guess. greetings fellow insomniac. greetings. who's watts? (points to details; you know what i love about wine that comes in bottles like this? every year is a good year. nah, you're going crazy with doubt, all of your mistakes are coming back up the pipes, and it's worse than a nightmare. -- don't give me that look, it's everybody's problem, we just have different variations, i for example. i fall asleep easily. but i wake up around two or three in the morning, every morning. it's that time of night that fitzgerald called the deep dark night of the soul. i stare into. the abyss. every night. it's the price i pay for being such a jolly fellow. y usted? so why did you need the addam's family mansion for a scientific test? keep your head back, that's it. that could have been worse. sure. why? i can keep a secret. he said that hugh crain. hugh crain was a monster. he said that he was a brutal, horrible man. he told me that crain drove his workers to early deaths. crain had children chained to the looms in his mill. and listen to this: his beautiful rene killed herself. he's trying to protect the experiment. personally, i don't think he's got a large enough sample for valid results, but as long as the money's good, and the food is good, i'm in. hey! i heard screaming. oh, look! there he goes, ol' hugh crain! do you need me anymore? cause i'm going to bed. they can stay up talking another 45 minutes if they want, but i gotta try to get some sleep. after i went to bed, the second time, after the. noise. i had the best night's sleep of my life. anybody? come on. these are the typically sentimental gestures of a depraved industrialist. i did okay. who drives a toyota? there's a carriage house around back. well, this lot is full! then he's got to be in the house. watts! oh watts! here wattsy. it's somebody's idea of a joke. i didn't do it. so could you! is this some fucked up idea of art, putting someone else's name to a painting? don't tell the professor; he'd probably throw me out. but test taking is one of the ways i've been supporting myself. i volunteer for every paid study that they offer. of course straight psych stuff doesn't pay as much as the pharmaceuticals do, or a good wound study. check it out. the whole thing feels like experimental misdirection. like he says it's about one thing, a psychological profile of environmental effects on insomnia. and that'd be a legitimate study, but i think that we've been subjected to an academic bait and switch; he's really looking at something else. modelling small-group dynamics in the formation of narrative hallucinations. you brought us here to scare us. insomnia, that was just a decoy issue. you're disgusting. sometimes saying you're sorry is just not enough. do we still get paid for the week? is that the question of compassion or science? she got the child labor stuff from me. you don't really believe it's haunted. do you believe in ghosts? all night? you want company? look, the stairs! it's not going to hold your weight. don't! you used the wrong test. you're not telling us something. oh my god. no. -- how much is this car worth? get the hell out of the way! i'm okay. okay. just my chest. just my wind knocked out. where in the hell can she be. we can't stay here looking for her. she doesn't want to be found. come on, jesus! let's go! no you bastard! break! watch out! shit! all right, you sonofabitch. maybe this'll get your attention! what?