it's make the soup or answer the door. can't do both. so far. -- dr. marrow's group. you're the first. the purple room. you're going to be the first visitors that hill house has had since mister crain died. i've seen 'em. lot to dust. it's a job. i keep banker's hours. i set dinner on the dining room sideboard at six. you can serve yourselves. breakfast is ready at nine. i don't wait on people. i don't stay after dinner. not after it begins to get dark. i leave before dark comes. we live in town. nine miles. so there won't be anyone around if you need help. we couldn't even hear you, in the night. -- no one could. no one lives any nearer than town. no one will come any nearer than that. in the night. in the dark. i set dinner on the dining room sideboard at six. breakfast is at nine. i don't stay after dinner. not after it begins to get dark. no one could. no one lives any nearer than town. in the night. in the dark. no. no. -- haven't seen him. city people. city people.