you may think i have a sickness about packing, but asking people to help me shlep the stuff i take with me everywhere is a cheap and exploitative way of making new friends. my name's theo. and what you're wearing, that's great, too. what did it cost? that'd be seventy in new york. you stole it! wait. you're not wearing that ironically? this is really you? a week. you and i? we're going to have fun. this is so twisted. don't worry, i probably won't be in here much. light sleeper. what do you do? that depends. don't tell me boston is different from new york. my boyfriend thinks so, my girlfriend doesn't. if we could all live together. but. they hate each other. it's hard to be miss perversity when you're the only one at the party. d'you know what i mean? a blank canvas! i could paint your portrait, directly on you. or maybe not. so, you? husbands? boyfriends? girlfriends? where do you live? that sounds really nice. you're lucky. but you know that. maybe you shouldn't touch -- jeez. which one? pick any. this is a serious question, but do you think the dudleys ever make love in this room? they're alone in the house, no one watching. no one. no one watching. you can do what you want. here. here. here. oh yes! oh yes oh yes! here! you're okay. rats! we're rats in a maze! that's what this experiment is going to be! you'll never guess. no, but nell's been here longer than i have. the rest of you may hate your insomnia, but i find it the best time of the day for me. i'm alone. nobody's talking to me but myself. my mind is racing with ideas, and i can think. when do we take the tests? and why didn't marrow tell us? doesn't he trust women? that fuck. the taj mahal wasn't a palace, it was a tomb. why didn't he tell us? nell, it was an accident. ever try putting your hair up in a french twist? you've been out of the world for a long time, haven't you? no. the world has missed you. you, too. happy tossing and turning. nell! what is it!? luke. if this was some sort of joke, i'm going to kill him. i did just take a bath. i don't know. i did just take a bath. oh, nell. eleven years. with all due respect to your mother who i'm sure was a saint, i'd have called doctor kevorkian, if not for her, for me. well this is a cozy breakfast. i guess. oh, your hair! it looks good. maybe they're mary's. he must have left. didn't like the looks of the place or something. two sets. i don't know. maybe they're not even his. watts? david. maybe he never came in. if he'd come in, he would have left his bags at the door, right? or maybe he got here early, and went for a walk, and fell. maybe he's outside. is it over? you could have. no. maybe you did it yourself. i don't know. you've been alone for a long time, maybe you want attention. maybe he did it. that's so sad. before he painted your name over mister crain. well, it wasn't me. mister dudley had to clean it and he knows that he's in charge of all the messes so why would he make more work for himself and. you said the good doctor was with you. just think about one thing right now: what color? well? me too. although i learned one thing about you, that you don't know about yourself. you can be a pretty decent bitch. i have a loft. you want to move to new york, you want to move in with me? my place isn't like yours, nell, it doesn't have a view of sea. it doesn't have a view of anything. what's interesting about the way i live is what goes on inside the walls. living with me. my boundaries aren't very well defined, nell. do you know what i mean? all the time. are you sure? okay. nell? nell! nell, what's wrong? what's wrong? nell, the door is locked. open it. oh, god, your breath. marrow said the same thing as last night, he says -- -- that he checked with mrs. dudley. and he says that she told him that all the fireplaces in the west wing connect to the main chimney. he says that he thinks that the flue was open, and with the windstorm, he says that what probably happened was some kind of freak air current -- mister very talky, would you please say what it is about this study that bothers you? then who is? come on, nell. deep down, if you really thought it wasn't jim, why wouldn't you be leaving right this second? why wouldn't you be afraid? really afraid. it's okay. we're all here. nell, what happened? no. how could you do this to people? nell, it makes sense. it all makes sense. you and i, we were scaring each other, working each other up. aw, shhh nell, shhh. i'm going to stay with you until you fall asleep. and then i'm going to get some brandy. i do. i. i was playing games with her. big city games. i was bad. and you, doctor morrow, you broke her heart. yes. but i promised i wouldn't let her alone the whole night. we're fucked. we're in a haunted house and we can't get out until the morning. that depends on your definition of ghosts. i'm going to check on her, and then i'm going to stay awake. yeah. maybe someday. nell? luke. jim! nell, go with him! just go with him. she needs help. will the two of you shut up! god damn it! maybe the tests were right, marrow. she's sensitive, she's vulnerable, but i don't think she's suicidal and i didn't have to test her. maybe she wasn't trying to kill herself. maybe she was really scared. maybe she really heard voices. he's wandering around the house, and nell heard him. she thought it was ghosts. let's go look for him again. oh, jesus. come on! why are we waiting? oh my god we need to call someone? nell -- hurry. the gas! luke. the gas! i'm sure she went back to her room. was sure she'd be in here. nell? nell! nell? what'd you come back for, babe? let's go, hon. don't you want to go back to your little apartment where you can hear the buoy out in the harbor when the wind is just right? then let's go get you one. please, nell, just see us out. hurry! oh god, we can't get out! nell! there you -- nell! i'm not going back to new york city. i'm going to find an apartment with a little flower garden, where you can just see the ocean and at night, when the wind comes in just right, you can hear the sound of the harbor. what about you? but the experiment was a failure. nell?. nell?