conor, that's so nice. thank you. hmm? hold on. you've only got one thing. hey, let me call you right back. come on. seriously. i just deposited money today. there's no way - what? are you kidding? i swear to god, this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me. is that sad? wait, no. i can't accept this. you were here first. i didn't win at all. thank you so much. sorry. what was i saying? was i? little intense for grocery store chatter. sorry. that would be - amazing. what are you - like my savior? don't do what? help struggling singers? do you want to give me your card? that's legit. i bet you're allowed to do that. it is impossible not to like this guy. i'm pretty sure he was heavily flirting with me outside eddie's, and then he tells me he's married. you'd think i'd be pissed, but i literally could not stop myself from liking him. i realize that. i keep trying to force myself to picture him in some church saying vows to some woman, and even that doesn't cool it off. what is my problem? you're right. i'm calling him. hey, ben. this is anna marks. well, i was just taking you up on your offer. you said you might know someone who could help me out and i thought we could discuss it -- over coffee? cool. well, you know. i was just thinking about you. your turn. there are four. sexy, smart, funny or cute. and each person can only be two. like sarah jessica parker is funny and sexy. or bill clinton is sexy and smart. so, which am i? smart and cute. no. cute and sexy are in the looks column. no one wants to be in all one column. you're the best. i better go. i know. it's just - i'm fried. is that alright? it's cool. you can call me when you find it. i know. but a girl can dream. you're obviously too good of a guy. why are you married, again? seriously. why? it'll be good for me. tell me how you decided that you could not be without this other woman. seriously? you just caved? really? mom - you always say that and i always get you something. it's no big deal. mom, please - thanks again for coming with me. you make it so much easier. yeah, well - cool's not always what you're looking for in a mom. ugh. i'm just beat. i wanna put on sweats and get in bed. i'll call you tomorrow, ok? you came to my class. you called and asked me. because you said not to call back if it was my class. which it was. totally. a couple of innocent folks - by happenstance - doing their daily workout near one another. wanna swim? i hear you. am i supposed to not be friends with a guy just because he's married, and happens to have this insane smile and this ass that makes me want to dry hump? classy, right? so, friends, right? you wanna come in? ok. you can just watch. this is insane. you're like the liza minelli of real estate. alright. gotta run. uh, no. just some stuff. see you later? what? what? why stop? stuff like what? first of all, i'm not women. i'm just one. i didn't have a second of all. second of all - i can't stop thinking about you, either. what? i don't want to push you to -- you know what's best. i'm not picking out china patterns or anything - but i've never felt anything like this before. no, he's not leaving his wife for me. he's just - he's a good guy. and he can't really explore what we could be if he's lying to her. he's kind of leaving his wife for me. is this crazy? this is totally crazy. we barely know each other. you're totally right. it can happen. well, what about texter? i doubt he has a stoma - so don't text. that's just mail - so what about the singer guy? that's great. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. i cannot believe this. he liked my demo. did you hear what he said? when he said it was hauntingly beautiful? did you hear that part? thank you. thank you so much. is - you make me sick to my stomach. you are a disgusting excuse for a man - are you kidding me? you will never lay a hand on me again. i may just be a piss poor girl from dundalk who works at a gym - but i am so too good for you. i'm gonna go. i left the check on the counter. it should at least get you through this month. no, it's not that. i mean - yes, i'm broke - but it's not that. it's just - i'm just so lost mom. i've been seeing this guy - who is exciting and amazing and thoroughly unavailable. i thought he was - the one - but he turned out to be such an asshole. and then there's - yeah. who i'm so horrible to. but he takes it. and he's - there. waiting. but i just don't want to - i don't know - are you kidding? all you talk about are the things you didn't do, the people you wish you could have been with, the tim buckleys - anything but the life you actually had. like what? hey, sweetie. because we always call each other that. i know that i - right. yes. please stop talking. you seriously get a ton of people bidding on this? so that means what - that hip gay people want to live out here? weird - it totally reminds me of the house i grew up in. i bet there is a - we totally had this same thing. my mom would use this as her 'desk'. isn't that bizarre? it was always covered with her little coupons and stuff. so, when do all the fabulous homosexual couples start arriving? his girlfriend? an idea for the open house? i can't do this conor. no. i mean this. any of this. what you're saying - what you're offering - is what every girl wants. it's what i've always wanted. it's just - okay.