ok, so clearly he hasn't called. maybe he's away on business. right. look, let me tell you - after the first time i went out with ben, he didn't call me for eleven days. eleven days. and now he's like the world's best husband. that happens all the time. yes, really. what? why? no - you asked if i knew any guys and i gave conor your number. that's not a set up. when i do a set up - i weigh pros and cons. i do my due diligence. all i know about conor is he sold us this house. it's a neighborhood "in transition." seriously, stop. please, don't. he'll call. so, this was at the end of the date, or at the beginning? yeah. "nice meeting you" at the beginning of the date is normal. "nice meeting you" at the end could be a blow off. then that's fine. he's gonna call. wait - was it "nice meeting you" or "nice to meet you"? "nice to meet you" is ok. "nice meeting you" is like "do you want your receipt in the bag?" beckon the baking to begin! mccormick, the flavor expert, introduces five fun filled flavors that will definitely delight dessert divas! pretty standard. your notes. don't worry. he's totally gonna call. everything ok? please say you were working on the newsletter. what's happening with your hair? hey, how -- is everything ok? are you smoking again? well - you get jumpy when you smoke. i don't know - i was thinking maybe - pink? well, i mean, at some point. no. but i mean, we could paint one room pink and one blue just in case. i'm sorry. i know i promised we'd wait to talk about it - i've always liked the name gisele. please don't cyber-stalk him. wait - what are you doing? wow, that guy alex really made an impression on you. was he hot? javier! honey - you smell different. i don't know. maybe it's the ashtray and cigarettes i found. in the side yard. what part of "my dad died of lung cancer" is hard for you to wrap your brain around? do not lie to me, ben. please. well, yes. it looks good. he does good work. javier. javier, if i asked you an honest question, do you think you could give me an honest answer? good. because i think some of your guys have been - smoking. javier? yes. the question part was implied - javier - have your guys been smoking or not? are you sure your guys aren't sneaking around here? and smoking? and lying to me? and -- smoking? i need you to be honest with me, javier. because i can't have someone lying to me. to my face. under my roof. on my time. i mean, there is no reason for that kind of dishonesty, is there? is there? i mean, we made promises to one another -- what i mean is, we had a contract. which is like making promises to each other, right? yes. fine. good idea. but, we're good here, right? me and you? okay, great. the molding really does look great. awesome. i knew it. who's this now? what? wait, isn't mary stuart masterson watts? so, why aren't you watts? what? wait - so who's amanda jones? you know, i knew there had to be a reason he was spending all that time with you. oooh, gimme the signs. i love to hear about the signs. totally good sign. you know it was a woman? a guy does not leave a woman - to talk to another woman - unless there's something going on. wait - really? you're right. he so likes you. let's look up places for your destination wedding. would you guys wanna do napa valley - i've always wanted to go there. that one. that one isn't real hardwood floor? i still wanna go with the real wood. that's not the point. i just don't like the way it's pretending to be wood. if you're not wood, then don't try to look like wood. it's a lie. just be up front - tell people what you really are. it's ok. maybe we should look at the grills and come back. i heard you. you tell me this in home depot because you know how i hate a public scene. i knew it. i knew it. you asshole. and it's you that's been smoking, too, isn't it? have - you - been - smoking? excuse me? and now you want to move out? you're like - what - leaving me? we're not going to deal with this? we're not going to figure out a way to work through this? is that what you want? it doesn't matter. gigi, he's my husband. he's not just some guy that didn't call me back. and he did admit it to me. he didn't wait to get caught. that takes courage. i'm sorry. i didn't mean that. i know alex was not just some guy. it's my fault, you know. i'm willing to accept my responsibility in this. i forced him into getting married. he wasn't ready. it is. i've - changed. i used to be fun. i was fun when we met. we never have sex anymore. no. we never have sex. realistically, what did i expect him to do? this is too small. i gotta tell javier. this tile. i gotta go. tell beth i took a personal day. it's not dana. why do you even lock it? can i come in? sit down. i don't know. i just thought - maybe we could, you know, relight the fire. look, i am trying here. do you want to save our marriage or don't you? then you'll let me do this. yeah, just like that, yeah. you sure i can't interest you in a little beef and broccoli? i'm treating. ok. i'll see you at home. i love you. javier - does this mean what i think it means? so when you say "done" - you don't mean "we still need plumbing in the upstairs bathrooms done" - you mean "done done"?. wow - you're amazing. ok. i'll call when i see it. bye. you lying sack of shit!