knock knock. so. here we are. same shift again. i had fun the other night. anyway - i was thinking, maybe tonight after work. we could, you know. no. we're good. are you joining us for dinner or - ugh. why? nothing. sorry. for dinner? i believe you mentioned that. that's a great idea. since you asked me 11 minutes ago? no, not a lot of phone traffic. oh my god. it's happened to you. what's her name? the girl, alex. you can't hide it man. i know strung out and you are strung - out. this is amazing. can't focus, right? jumping every time your phone rings, checking your email 100 times a day. wishing you could write songs. feeling the need to bring up her name in random conversations. it's always the same. and it has happened to you, my friend. trust me. welcome to my world asshole.