ok - that's enough of the speeches. time to eat. so enjoy the crab. and the yellow stuff is not hot mustard, it's the crab's hepatopancreas. bethie, your cousin jay has always been a jackass. so, you'll get married a little bit later than some people. big deal. you never did anything the way every one else did it, and that's what i've always thought was so great about you. honey, look. when everyone else was just going to camp at the y, you borrowed my new york times, found some arts camp in the berkshires, wrote away for information, then got accepted on your own. you were nine. you never did things the way everyone else did. because that's you. that's why you're my favorite daughter. well, i don't give a shit. i'm retired, and i'll say what i want. i'll say it into the mic if you want -- it's true, though. yeah. less of that cardboardy brown stuff. more regular people food. maybe you could just fry me up a couple sausage links? did i tell you that you're not only my favorite daughter, but you're also the prettiest? so much better looking than those other dogs. seriously.