but he's married. ok. there was this guy who worked in my dad's printing business. married for fifteen years to a nice lady. and then he meets this woman at some church event. and he told my dad he just had never felt anything like it before. i mean, he had finally met the love of his life. so, he divorced his wife, and he's been with this other woman for 22 years and they are blissfully happy. i mean, what if you meet the love of your life - but you already married someone else? are you supposed to pass them by? he asked me out. well - umm - he myspaced me. well, what am i supposed to do? things have changed. people don't just meet organically anymore. if i want to make myself more attractive to the opposite sex, i don't go get a new haircut - i update my profile. that's just how it is. back to work. ad sales - this is mary. hey. so, did you see it? you gotta trust me. it's a burgeoning market. you're gonna make a fortune. it was either that or on the page with the personals. i made a call. this is crazy. i can't believe he's gonna leave his wife for you. i don't know. remember becca, my sister's friend. some guy waits on her at bennigan's - by the end of the night they both knew they had found the one. not for me. texter has yet to make any verbal contact. i mean, this guy could have had surgery that left him without a voice box, breathing through a stoma, and i'd never know because i never actually hear his voice. that's not the point. the point is - i can't text. i'm not charming via text. my sarcasm doesn't come through, i can't type fast enough on the little phone keyboard -- it's not just texting. it's email and voicemail and snail mail - whatever. none of it's working. i've had a guy leave a voicemail for me at work, and then i call him back at home, and he emails me to my blackberry, and then i text him to his cell and then he emails me to my home account from the plane phone -- and it just totally gets out of hand. i miss the days where you had one phone number with one answering machine that housed one cassette tape and either the cassette tape had a message from the guy or it didn't. that's it. now you have to go around checking all your portals and get rejected by seven different technologies. it's exhausting. jude. yeah, i like him. totally. i felt like we connected. there's no way he's already called - we only met for coffee last night. i mean we video ichatted. while holding coffee. kinda like having coffee. and he told me he had a gig last night, so he probably got in real late. did i tell you he was singer? hey, conor. i'm mary. it's so great to finally meet you in person. i'd love to.