oh sweetie - you didn't have to get me anything.
you didn't.
here - put on my favorite.
did anna ever tell you i knew tim buckley?
we met at a coffee shop in 1971. hell's kitchen. i had no idea who he was. but he had this big mop of hair and these eyes that just looked past you and through you and into you all at the same time. complete interest and disinterest. it was amazing.
of course, i was with anna's father at the time, so, you know. another opportunity missed.
it's the truth. i knew them all. robert plant, harry nilsson, graham parsons.  have you seen the pictures of me from when i was anna's age?
sweetie go get that picture - you know the one -
go. your mother's asking you to do something for her on her birthday.
you'll see - we look strikingly similar. my lips may be a bit fuller, but.
so that's what we're dealing with here, for reference. imagine meeting someone who looks like that in a coffee shop.
that's sweet. but if we're comparing stories - she's no me - and you're no tim buckley.
anyone need a refill?
thanks sweetie. i don't know what i would do without you.
baby - what's the matter?
is it money? because you can take back the check if -
conor -
settle? like you think i did?
well, your father and i had a glorious life together.
those are just dreams anna.
now true - i did not like your father at all when we met.
or after we got married for that matter. but let me tell you this - life with him was a hell of a lot better than life is without him.
there are worse things in life than settling.
like wishing you had.