so, who was that? yeah right. hey, babe. you here? everything ok? you want some tea or something? that's great. i've always liked that devon guy. that's really great. yeah. no, babe. going against nature is like that cat who started nursing that monkey. we're just two people who aren't married. i actually think the odds of having a successful relationship increase by not getting married. look at my parents - all marriage got them was thirty two years of misery and joint checking. like i've always told you - i love you - and we don't need a marriage certificate to legitimize our relationship. lemme get you some tea. hey babe, is this straight? i told you i'd do it weeks ago. you don't like it there? it's the image, isn't it? i didn't see it before, but - you're right - it totally looks like a sagging boob. you want me to take it down? is this a trick? no. it was just - i was just-- or there is the possibility that i just don't really believe in the concept of - honey, where is all this coming from? ah. my first visitor. well, this was supposed to be just for beth and i - for our retirement. leave our jobs. sell the house. take off. sorry. where are my manners? permission to board granted. i'll show you around. sorry. so janine sent you to check on me? any message from beth? her sister's what? you said funeral. the marriage thing is weird, man. i never thought beth would give me an ultimatum. right. i forgot. that's how janine got you to bite the bullet. do you regret it? so you're happy? you'd say you're happily married? the dishes are all put away. there's a load of laundry still drying, but the other one is folded on top of the washer. i remembered what your dad likes, but i tried to get healthy stuff, too. ben told me. i just - i wanted to help. i know how much you love him. but it's gonna be ok. hey. oh no. of course. i really care about your dad. and i really love you. even if i can't give you what you want. and you'd really be ok if we take the marriage thing off the table? i always have - i do. so, i get to move back in? what? you're just mad at me, and you're taking it out on the pants. ok. we're not getting married, but i'm chucking the pants. how did all this stuff fit in here fine before? what? i have no idea what you're - that's really gonna free up a lot of space. okay, okay. you win. just check to make sure there's nothing in the pockets before we give them away. i love you so much. so much. i want to make you happy. i need to make you happy for me to even have a shot at being happy, too. will you marry me?