where's the rest? eight thousand dollars? you gotta be kidding me! listen to me. "as the world turns" can get interrupted with a news flash of you splattered all over the street . i can get sent up on an accessory beef. your son, dominick, winds up in a home. for $8,000? honey, for $8,000, it ain't worth the risk. risk versus reward? baby? where's the club you were going to open? it means we're not making forward progress like real adults and you won't listen. "me and neil." i'm married to you, now. this isn't the fucking joint. i want out of here! you can keep that other crap! but dominick goes with me. hello? husband and wife stuff. that's all. thanks, neil. alan. i've had it with him. i've had it. can you get us out of here? yes? i won't tell you. nobody, neil! a liquor wholesaler from las vegas. alan marciano. i figured it out for myself! it's too late! i'm sick of it! i'm sick of you. all right. i'm fine. i hope so. i really hope so. sees and holds his look and then her attention shifts to elaine. rises, picks up dominick, crosses to the phone. she punches 11 digits. we hear the phone ring on the other end. harry? if you want me, come right down and get me and dominick out. whose side are you on? you slimy piece of shit. what a joke. what's your end? yes. i'm going to give you an address of where i'm staying. could you get it to chris? looks at farina. she slowly crosses to the window. marciano has faded to the back of the room. and we tilt down her body to her hand at her side. her hand subtly waves him away, gestures towards the roof. for christ's sake. that's not even him. that's not chris. maybe he's not coming. that would be nice.