drillin' some post holes into concrete . cash. put "jack's fencing" on the receipt. yeah. take it easy. their response time? the bit has cut a 10" circle into the side through the armored plating. now chris heaves the drill aside, steps away, swings up his shotgun as. sees something in the parking lot. that's it. i squared the bookies and we had to pay off some guy and were short to start 'cause the rest is comin', in a coupla days. so don't sweat it. we're late. don't worry about money. neil's got. hey, if we're goin', let's go. here comes the "showgirl with a future" bit. the hell's that mean? i told you: me and neil got planned . don't mouth off to me! well there's the fucking door! only leave dominick, the bank book and the car keys on the kitchen table! i'll find ya and kill you, you bitch, wherever you are - you ever try to take dominick away from me. when you going to get some furniture? my mouth tastes like a sewer. charlene's going to leave me. there ain't no steaks in the freezer. last trip to vegas and the superbowl took care of that. when you gonna get an old lady? nothing regular. no. yeah, i'm sure. jimmy banghart. and to hell with jimmy banghart. i'd rather go ten rounds with jesus christ than fuck with her. but she and dominick save my life, man; everyday. everyday. so. what about the platinum? it's ready to fall . yeah. towner delivered. they're in the drop. i'm going to punch it. what do we do about van zant? kelso? you okay? makin' it happen this time. let me have it! sets up a heavy drill and tapes a template with drill points marked to the door. i'm 60 seconds away. it's a rat or something. we need the cash!! maybe it's only the ema score, not us. no. without the platinum how do we buy the bank score? for me, the bank's worth the stretch. i say accept the risk, stay. opens his satchel and takes out a voltmeter. what the fuck do we do now? cause we bypassed all the alarms last night. for you this whole gig is a slow cruise down hawthorne. has smashed guard one in the stomach with the h & x - doubling him up. now he braces him against the wall, disarms and handcuffs him. he jerks on his stocking mask. spins the ring handle for five seconds. the massive round vault door opens. it reveals a second, rectangular door. is hit in the neck. dazed - holding his bleeding neck while neil fires into the parking lot. charlene? get her out! who. i'm not flying. i'm drivin'. how you getting around? a girl on the side? so long, brother. looking up into charlene's open face from inside the lincoln. he starts to get out. then he sees. any of you guys know anything for rent around here?