can't. bosko's waiting. hi, sweetie. no school today? he gonna show? or the son of a bitch gonna stand her up like last time? i'm out of time. where's the ambulance? what about the crash, the white towtruck. i.d. anybody? plate? description? what about them? oh, that was smart. "slick?" 'cause they had no time, cause they knew our response time, cause they were on our air. yeah. their m.o. is that they are good. once it escalated into a murder one beef for all of them after they killed the first two, they popped guard number three 'cause it didn't rake any difference anymore, so why leave a living witness? drop of a hat? they'll rock and roll. also: the way they went into the side indicates they are equipped to go in on the prowl. so also start looking for recent highline burgularies that have 'mystified' us. run the "slick" bit to the fbi and see what it kicks out. split the fences. i'll take cuzomano and torena. you take the east side. go through the tapes of who we been listening to. hang in with forensics on all physical evidence. how'd they know the route of the van and what it was carrying? does gage print the day's routes? what do they do with the printouts? who collects their trash? run makes on all their middlemanagement. did someone give this score up? check the three guards. see if one of them was a tipster. out-of-town. frankly, i hope they are scoring once and passing through. and i doubt it. this look like boosters working the local seven eleven to you? it goes to major crime. go to work. bobby, it's me. albert torena call me back? hi. work. harvey show or'd lauren get stood up again? what an asshole. she okay? there's three dead bodies in an alley off adams. i'm really sorry the lamb got overcooked. looking after her is tired. very tired. he doesn't know why he said what he did. he regrets it. so he turns on his tv to watch the news and his eyes glaze over. you were supposed to get back to me last night. so where the fuck were you, albert? i oughta violate your ass right now. you're a bust-out speed freak jackin' metamphetamine again. i'm in a hurry. no. right now. you be there, too. be there! whaddaya hear, whaddaya say?. about this crew that knocked down three guards yesterday and took a gates armored truck. bearer bonds. start making calls. ridin' the airwaves. on every news channel. turn on a fucking radio! try to broker the bonds. make some money. then you'll shift into flip-o-matic and tell me who they are. and what they are doing next. gimme all your money! ain't gonna be you, mo-fo. you holdin'? what do you got? lookin' for me to rid you of your competition? you got something to say, or what? i'm not your 'carnal, you little motherfucker. and you 'know' 'cause i say so. after i hear what you got to tell me! you can get killed . walking down the street. yeah? what's wrong with you? you drag me here to waste my time like this? you saw a guy on the street. who's an ex-con? what do you expect for that? a junior g-man badge? are you kidding? what? you said "slick." tell me about him. what's his . name. who else have i got? bob, get on the house. 24 hour surveillance, title search, the works. drucker and casals bug the car and whatever else we need, remembering it won't be evidentiary. when he moves or sits - like in a restaurant. i want pictures of who he moves and sits with. then run makes on them and their cars. they got jackets? i want to see who they move and they sit with and give them the same treatment. bosko. work the neighborhood. tail the wife. look for a drop that could garage a work car and tools. that's it. conference him in. yeah? richie? is too controlled. anger's underneath. how old? how'd she die, richie? who are they? what the hell are they doin' here? oh, this is nice. homicide getting anywhere? a goddamn convention. who's the big guy? next time this crew scores? when they walk in that door? they will get the surprise of a lifetime. nothing. clear the air. who shakes his head "no." he puts a finger over his lips meaning silence. hanna looks at the clock. it's 12:03 a.m. hanna takes a deep breath. he closes and opens his eyes. they wait. gestures for bruce to quiet down. fell back to see if the alarm bypasses held. if they did, they'll be back. stay the fuck off the radio! calms bruce with hand gestures. quiet! ! let 'em go. let em go. we got nothing! not even a burglary. they didn't fucking steal anything yet. don't you get it? all we've got's breaking and entry. the fuck you aren't! that's exactly what you are gonna do. it's my investigation. and my authority supersedes your rank! and i am not settling for some chicken shit misdemeanor! back to work. you go back to newark on a new jersey warrant for smuggling cigarettes up from north carolina three years ago or you go to work for us. cut and dried. that. is. it. charlene shiherlis. who has to. you're onna plane to new jersey, jagoff. 'cause she's got a great ass and you got your head all the way up it. so it's no big thing. i don't even want her. you can have her, after. i want her husband and all his buddies; that's all. and you're gonna help. what are they taking down out here? what's's that down there? maybe they're gonna steal the hub caps . a billboard. oil pumps. what the hell's goin' on? i got an idea what they're looking at. you know what they're looking at? is that guy something; or is that guy something? i mean, you gotta give this crew credit. they are so fucking good. know what he's looking at? us. the l.a.p.d. the police department. we just got made. justine? where we going? where are you going? you know i'm on you. let's talk. seven years in san quentin. in the hole for three. mcneil before that. was mcneil as tough as they say? you looking to go back? i chased some crews, the guys were lookin' to fuck up and get busted back. i worked all kinds. no, i do not. then don't take down scores. you never wanted a normal-type life? that's part of it. no. my wife spends half her time on the couch. my stepdaughter's got problems 'cause her real father's a world class asshole. and every moment i got, i'm chasing guys like you. what are you, a monk? what do you tell her? and if you spot me around the corner. you gonna walk out on her? leave her flat? like that? not even say goodbye? what you're left with is pretty empty. i don't know how to do anything else. and i don't much want to. we're sitting here like a coupla regular fellas. you do what you do. i do what i gotta do. what happens if i am there and i got to put you away? i won't like it. but, if it's between you and some poor bastard whose wife you're going to make into a widow, brother, you are gonna go down. 'cause you don't have to be there. you coulda gone and been a. a mailman. maybe it'll happen that way. or who knows . can we have the bill. what? i was just with him! whattaya mean, "they dumped us"?! cerrito? locators on their cars?! they dumped all our tails?!! i had coffee with mccauley half an hour ago. what happened? does anybody have any idea where the fuck these people are at? 'cause whatever they are gonna do, they are doing it right now! as car pulls in. left flanking fire. street. pulls schwartz to cover. re-emerges, kneels and pumps shots into the station wagon. get down! get down doesn't have a clear shot and drops, dragging people down with him. runs to the alley - pulling his radio: this is hanna! come in. standing there in the center of the mess: bodies, disabled vehicles, people, shouting, sirens arriving, etc. you stick with the charlene shiherlis piece. maybe chris or neil will come for her. frankly, i doubt it. you work neil's transport from here on the phones. and now he's gotta get a new one! would you trust it after this afternoon? someone, somewhere's agenting it for him. that's a main track. we got shiherlis setting up. that's a main track. i want more. eight, ten, twelve hours. for him to set up a new out. after that? he's gone. bam! bye- bye. he's the burglary cop with the "terrific tip?" hanna. where'd it come from? i got schwartz. dead. casals got no liver. he's dying. don't come on to me with "confidential source" crap! who ratted-out mccauley? c'mon! who? you? okay. it's me. tracks back to this union guy, van zant. he had some beef with neil. neil already settled it. van zant got dead earlier tonight. now hugh benny has reformed his wayward life and become a born- again good citizen. so, he's revealed the key player is this cowboy waingro. used to be part of neil's crew. waingro committed a double murder today on towner, a driver, and his old lady. meanwhile waingro's checked into the airport hyatt house under "jamieson." maybe neil will make a move on him, but not likely. get the word to bailbondsmen, bookies, snitches in county, etc. where waingro is. and get a team down there to set it up. no. you stay on who's agenting neil's getaway. what have you got? he's here. he's still here. i can feel it. eight, ten hours max. what's your name? i'm vincent hanna. i'm angry. ralph, you can ball my wife. you can lounge around her $1.7 million condominium on her sofa. you can do all those things. but you do not get to watch my fucking tv! i've never screwed around. i've been true blue to you since the day we met. right i had ralph fuck you 'cause it makes me feel so good. shut up! 'cause you're the one who spends all the time on the couch. what do i do? i speak the english language. words. sentences even. thank you. someone's agenting neil's stuff? who? the tooth fairy? talk to you later. how did charlene get the marina address passed to chris? i don't believe i didn't think of this. farina? he blows out of here, you'll do his time. i want. your worst nightmare. hard time, nate! don't touch him! accessory. armed robbery and murder one. dealing stolen merchandise and securities. you agent for neil. at least the armored car and bank. everything i tie him into, i tie you into. two cops dead. other bodies on the sidewalk. you understand that kind of heat? you fucking get it! book him on accessory to armed robbery, murder one, a.d.w., and trafficking stolen merchandise. the nazi's in quentin will turn your ass into a satchel. you're an old man. gimme neil! get me farina. with a staff of five or six marshaling physical evidence for six months after two years' worth of continuances. maybe he'll do 18 months. won't fucking happen. check the bait. yeah. at the hotel. i'll hold. what's the score? you know what? neil's gone. bam! flyin' like' a bird. what do we got? bon voyage, motherfucker, you were good. i'm going to the hotel. i'm gonna take a shower. i'm gonna sleep for a month. you're gonna be okay, baby. your mommy and me are here. everybody's here. we're going to take care of you. we love you. i got her. she's not epileptic! this isn't a seizure. you okay, baby? fuck mccauley. you handle it. call bosko and drucker in. get me at the hospital after. rejoins her and takes her hand. he looks at her and then at the floor. he puts an around her. i don't know. probably not. . but i am reminded of how much i love you. but that may not be enough. yeah. walking backwards, facing her, nods "yes." the last thing in the world he wants to do is leave. then he turns and starts running down the white marble corridor. casals come in. what's the situation? it means he knew we were here and came anyway. yeah, yeah, that's fine. stay on it. 10-4. trying to see through, past, around everything. we don't know what it is he's looking running towards neil and eady. ambulance pulls in front of him, blocks him. he's around it, pushing a news crew out of the way, stops. spins around, searching. runs across the grass between the fence to the strobe lights. coming up with his 9mn. he's too late. his 9mm. coming up. fires three perfectly controlled, hammered-on shots. his front sight barely moved. approaches, slowly. his gun hand drops to his side. pretty good your own self.