hello? hey! absolutely. i got a coupla orders to write. meet you at 12. what can i do for you guys? ignores his hand and shoves him back into his office chair with an open hand. l.a.p.d. who the hell you think you're pushing around? you got no jurisdiction and i know people here! oh, my god. who? you can't tie me to her! oh, man. why did i get mixed up with that bitch? so? yeah. sugar. i'll catch the 8 o'clock and rent a car. i'll be there at your place in two hours. get packed. okay? i'll be right there. i'm on yours. you told me you want out from under? you're scared to death of neil. you wanted out? this is out! you dump broad! how'd i get into this? huh? fuck her. do it! where the hell is he? you better hope he shows! or you're going to the can, you two dollar.