a million, six at 40 cents onna dollar's 640. here's a hundred forty thou front money. get you the rest, 2-3 days. what happened out there? wait a minute. you know who these belong to? you know john van zant? malibu securities is a brokerage he controls. planned bankruptcies, made out during the s&l's, money laundering. you ripped off his treasury certificates. that's the point. on top of collecting his insurance, maybe he wants to buy back his bonds. from him i can get you 60 cents on the dollar instead of 40. means an extra 320 to you. you know cezar kelso? he's got this score he's putting out and wants you to look at. he said you'll get near eight figures. very clean. take it easy. look, van zant. nobody knew the merch was yours or they would have respected it. be that as it may: now you get 100% from the insurance company and you're even, plus you can get the bonds back for 60 cents onna dollar. you make an additional 40%. your operation doesn't skip a beat, and everybody's making out. usually i'm the mailman. okay. what i tell you? we're on. you call him tomorrow. . and set a meet. very cool. he's a businessman. worth it? his name is hanna; first name, vincent. i smeared this sergeant in vice five yards. hanna's all over you. he's a hot dog. lieutenant in major crimes unit. he's taken down some heavy crews. blew away frankie yonder in chicago and he was a fucking maniac. was working narcotics before that. he's good, neil. dedicated. divorced three times. current wife's justine. he's why the extra heat. vice sergeant says hanna likes you. thinks you're some kind of 'star.' 'you do this sharp, you do that sharp. look how sharp this guy is to figure that.' funny as a heart attack. with this guy and this much heat, you should pass on the bank. that's not the point. you sure? you on a cellular? you got the time? do you know it's blown? $165,000. you want a good getaway and you're hot with a big score in your pocket. you're a media event. what the fuck do you expect? you end up in ireland with good papers and plastic. lear jet to vancouver. then commercial to reykjavik; then dublin. for those bucks? 100 per cent. i got the plastic on me. the passports will be on the plane. who's the third? forty-five to sixty days. twenty-four hours. you're going for an important ride. if they say twenty-four for it to be right, then it's twenty-four! all around. you and i go way back, kiddo, i bought you the best. santa monica airport. they're a legit operation. i won't have details until tomorrow morning. what is it? i got cerrito's share deposited in the delaware trust for elaine. she's pretty bad. passports. traveler's checks. plastic. hangar 17. plane call letters are 1011 sierra. touches down, holds for five minutes and splits. the plane will stand an faa check. filed flight plan. the works. here's the address charlene said she was at. but i don't have documents for her. fly. send for her later. can't you talk to him? talk to you in three hours in case there's changes. yeah? still can't find nobody. it's in the delaware trust. you tell me later what to do. and about your ride. no changes. right on schedule. i figured you wouldn't waste the time. you take it easy. be careful, huh? screw what you want. who the fuck are you? i ain't looking at shit, and you know it! so don't con me. go ahead! neil who? what i'll give you is so many false arrest lawsuits, you won't have time to write traffic tickets!