you ready if i need you? got their air? turn it off. two minutes, fifty seconds. we ought to be down the chute into the escape route in 2:20. here we go. pulls the pin and tosses a grenade into the hole. it explodes and pours smoke. next one blows you up! out! now. now! up against the wall! 8o seconds left. move it. looks at waingro. widen. waingro's aware of neil's scrutiny. move out! 38 seconds left! leaving, spins. angry; nods. ten. nine. blew the margin. here we come. i don't want to talk about it. what's the matter? "malibu securities . no. so what? try it on. by reputation. what do i need look at his score for? i got my own. 9:00a.m. tomorrow. this is a partial split, but i took out of ours - every - to make up. . his full end. because i want to settle him up and get rid of this jagoff right now. fuck off. electricity and chemicals a little fucked up? you a shooter? speed? what? you didn't have to. now we got extra heat off a clean score. knees waingro in the stomach. waingro folds over. neil slams both open palms on waingro's ears and knees him in the face. waingro sprawls over a car hood and falls off. no thanks. you closing in a few minutes? no. it's the color reproduction of these plates. sure. you're open late. not many open this late. what's your name? bukowski. neil bukowski. swimming pools. institutional. schools, state, counties. i'm on the sales end. let me have another coffee. you like selling books? yeah? like what? tell me. what else? city of lights. i flew over the arctic once at 40,000 feet. the moonlight was blue on all the snow. it felt like that. yeah. i'm alone. not lonely. you? what is it? you want a $100,000 advance, against a full 101. why? on the prowl or strong? how many guys? that's not a $100,000 worth anything. you're giving me an address to what's strictly a cowboy score: "get the guns and let's go!" we smash, grab and boogie while they hit the alarm. do i have to kill people? full architectural, plumbing and electric, camera placements? what do you estimate? he hadda make a call. you're on. here's five grand earnest money. you get the rest after lunch. i bought it. the bonds? how is he? comes out of the bedroom with a pillow. he yanks christ shoes off. neil punches a number. ringing. then: chris is here. i called so you shouldn't worry. what's wrong? he can sleep it off here. what happened to you? when i get around to it. why? with everything we been taking? when i get around to it. you got something else on the side? she got another man? you sure? jimmy - whatsisname - bohunk, in the joint used to say: "on the street you wanna be makin' roves, you don't put anything in your life you can't walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot heat around the corner." so? taking delivery from van zant on the rest of the armored car cash. i gotta drop a deposit on kelso. he's got a bank score. that goes, too. meet me at the coffee shop at noon. i got stuff to do. how you doing? i been real busy. can i see you? not for me it wasn't. tonight. i'll pick you up at work. change for a dollar? yeah. van zant. about the merchandise. what's the story? open up. who was that guy? listen. we got to know who he is! what he tell you? how connected he is? get you a spot in a show? chris is gonna straighten it up with you. and you . i'm not part of your situation! not anymore. and chris has got two big jobs back-to-bick. you will give chris this shot. after that, he fucks up, then okay. i will finance setting you up, separate, myself. dominick will go with you. and my word counts. but right now he is puttin' it all on the line. so for the three of you, you are goin', to give chris one more shot. now that is what it is gonna be you keep your hands in sight! i tell you what to do, how to do it. concentrates on the driver, who's calm. now, with your right hand only: throw the envelope in my back seat. sees his eyes dart. neil glances at his right rear view mirror. approaches the fallen gunman and with the 9mm. browning at his temple, kicks away the .22. you're all done, pal. aims. fires once. john van zant? neil mccauley. tell you what: keep the money. ". keep . the . money." what am i doin' i'm talking into an empty telephone. 'cause there is a dead man on the other end of this line. you got a clean line? i got a delay dropping the $50,000. wait a minute, pal-o!! you're going to wait for me for a week. i'll buy a week with the five. it's above and beyond the fifty and if i wash, you keep it. you're going to wait for me 'cause you want me to take it down. you know it's got better odds with me in. now do we have an understanding? we'll down platinum through nate. the deal is 72% of today's quote on the bourse in the new york times. we pass by couple times tomorrow afternoon. check nothing strange in the neighborhood. tomorrow night: we take it down. you set on the rear door. kill him. after the score. we'll use nate's advance off the platinum when i down the merch to pay kelso for the bank package. looks at charlene. checks his watch. waiter approaches neil with the bill. i got it. come away with me. new zealand. soon. what's stopping you? what's here? what's to know? why? i deal with state officials. county. weird hours. a lot of traveling, entertaining. i know enough. i have to leave. come away with me. no one will ever tell you what to do. you'll never lose yourself with me. we walk. it is not an animal sound. we are out of here. we walk!! now. lapd? the g? what? where the hell did this heat come from? wake up! assume they got our phones, our houses bugged, i beepers on all the cars. we got major problems. where's cerrito? recognize the cook? d block. san q. did a nickel on armed robbery. hey, david. how you doing? gettin' by. you okay? sure. see you around. what took you so long? i cash in t-bills to pay-off kelso. that's not our problem. with the heat we got, you wanna play world war two in the streets with van zant? fuck van zant. i got more motivation to whack him than you do. he is a luxury. our problem is: jam and take the bank or split. and i mean right fucking now. do not go home, pack, nothing. thirty seconds from now we are on the road. gone. michael? not on this one, michael. on this one you make up your own mind. i got some plans. to go away after. so for me, it's worth the stretch. but, elaine takes good care of you. you got plenty put away. t. bonds; real estate. if i were you, i'd be smart and cut loose of this. all right. all right. yeah. you see how the road leads back around? that's the escape route. there's enough circuit diagrams and blueprints here to build the bank. it's terrific. i've had heat before. this one's worth the stretch i'm sure. drop me at the garage. slips his 9mm. browning under his thigh and pulls over. watches hanna approach, wary. he didn't expect this to happen. sure. buy me a cup of coffee. yeah. you looking to become a penologist? you must have worked some dipshit crews. you see me doing thrill-seeker liquor store holdups with a "born to lose" tattoo on my chest? right. and i. i am never going back. i do what i do best. i take scores. you do what you do best trying to stop guys like me. what the fuck is that? barbecues and ballgames? that's nice. that your life? a man told me once: you want to make moves? don't keep anything in your life you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner. so if you're chasing me and you gotta move when i move, how do you expect to keep a family? no. i got a woman. she thinks i sell swimming pools. that's the discipline. yeah? then maybe you and me, we should both go do somethin' else, pal. neither do i. neither do i. there's a flip side to that coin. what if you got me boxed in and i gotta put you down? 'cause no matter what, you will not get in my way. but now that we been face to face, i would not feel good about that. but i won't hesitate. not for one second. maybe we'll never see each other again. got it. it's eighteen inches in. where the hell's towner? i wanted to pass by early. i want to check the slot for the work car. what are you talking about? what the hell i do for a driver?! what do you call this? backing me up? here comes your second chance for a change of luck. need a driver. remember the drill? to-day. out back in five. there's the slot. no. 'cause time is not a problem. and i want nothing to look weird. there is none. checks his watch. drop us in the slot. let's take it down. in line, waits: an old lady finishes and leaves. hi! pulls his stocking mask down over his face. he reaches over the counter and grabs smiling john fiske's lapels and yanks him over the counter top and throws him across the floor. meanwhile: ladies and gentlemen! we are holding up this bank. we want to hurt nobody. you do exactly like we say and you come away okay. we're here for the bank's money, not your money. you people behind the windows: the salaries this bank pays aren't big enough to take risks for, so think of your take-home pay before you risk your life. don't forget your money is insured by the federal government. you're not going to lose a penny. relax and you'll get through this okay. any of the ladies feel ill or anybody with heart trouble wants to sit down, go right ahead. reaches timmons. the key. hauls him up, rips open his white shirt and pulls the key an a lariat off his neck. don't touch your face. let it bleed. tosses one on his shoulder like a sailor's duffle bag, his machine-gun in front. exits the bank through the front door to camera. the sidewalk is crowded with school kids now and housewives. no one pays attention as neil tosses the first bag to cerrito. coming out with the second bag. chris follows - backwards covering the interior. neil avoids a lady pushing a supermarket shopping cart, looks up and sees: shielded by the green bag of money which has taken hits, fires at hanna and backs to chris. go!! go!! has taken off down the sidewalk, supporting chris. tighten. he runs in among crowds of civilians. he knocks over a man, breaks through. people are screaming, staring, shocked. extends the collapsible stock braces on the roof for accuracy and fires over the roof of other cars and through people at hanna closing in 5o yards away. behind the wheel - burns rubber pulling out of the lot over curbstones and through a fence into the alley. holds chris down. what's the bottom line? six, seven hours. what do i owe you? what is this? you're wrong. it's four times the risk. 'cause something happens to him, i'm coming back for you. and i'm double the worst trouble you ever had. i'll be back for you. first, i got to know if our escape route got ratted-out along with everything else. who wasn't around towner. who? she's dead. so's cerrito and breedan. the guy who stood in. for you. who did this? who? waingro? on his own? van zant? you sure? you say anything about our exit? our out? c ' mon! the house clean? i'll call the medics. nate. no. next: waingro. okay? i'll make time. i need a new "out" laid on. how can i trust it? things are screwed up. you're not flying out after me. we go together. you and me got to straighten something up first. i'll be by later. is four feet away. the big .45 automatic is aimed into the center of van zant's chest. waingro. where is he? how much? that's a rip-off. what do i get for those dollars? via what? reliable? a girl. with her own papers. what are these good for? how soon? make it twelve. you checked all around? where's the pick-up? kelso's share. ten per cent. $400,000. that's less the 50 advance. the other bag was with cerrito. it's what i don't do. i don't sell swimming pools. it would have been okay. you would have flown out after. you didn't need to do a thing. now i'm jammed. we got to go together. because we get dropped in a place and then i decide: new zealand or brazil or tunisia, whatever. i can't leave a string back here to where i am. i rob and steal for a living. do you understand? if they got in the way. yes. it's their problem. elaine cerrito. michael cerrito's wife. michael was my friend. he knew the risks. he didn't have to be there. he coulda been a. been a mailman. believe it. eady. get packed. get dressed. let's go. eady! ! shut up! use these credit cards. they say "mr. and mrs." i reserved the car. buy me some clothes. here's a list. i can't go home for my stuff. can you do it? twenty-two hours. then we fly out of here. clean. you can go now. there's the door, you want out. it will be different. i been trying. use the camaro. its clean and will stand a dmv check. someone's picking me up. see you, cowboy. any trouble? six hours. 8 p.m. i'll buy you lunch. everything's smooth. we're going to fly away. hi ya. yeah, breedan's end? okay. you figured right. take it easy, old man. that was the last bridge. gets in and hugs her desperately. it's the most emotional we've ever seen him. eady responds not at all. neil lets her loose. look over there. i don't even know how to think like this. cause this has happened to me late in my life. but i got some expectations. for us. you can walk right now if you want. walk away. or you. on your own. you choose to come with me. i got enough in there to take care of us for forever. eady. eady? nothing. i got this errand to run that i forgot. sure. it's a thing i got to take care of. is all. leave it running. crossing the street in his dark suit towards the hotel's side entrance. be right back, eady. hi. it's the kitchen again. a. "jamieson" ordered a blt and they got his room number screwed up. thanks, love. continues to the elevators. it says he knows waingro is a trap. he knows the lapd are here. he's come for him anyway. i'm hotel security. we're evacuating the floor. sir, i'm afraid you'll have to. looks inside. waingro's obviously hidden behind the door reaches around, grabs waingro by the arm, dislocates his shoulder, breaks his collarbone and throws him across the room. waingro's gun goes flying. i should have dumped you in that parking lot. look at me, you sick fuck. gimme your eyes. 'cause you're gonna die. starting to leave, moving at an oblique angle. looking at her . leaving her . running towards us. is there. his .45 is up, centered into hanna's face. he's eight feet away, framed against the glaring racks of strobes. the hammer drops. nothing. his .45 misfires. hit three times in the chest - is blown back into the racks of lights. he lies still. last breath. not half bad.