this crew's ripping porsches out of orange county. horrell, piper and voight. they're working in the back of a trim shop on irvine. somebody was to pay him a visit this weekend, they'd find a metallic blue turbo. i'm a good citizen. mi carnal: if i tell you what i got to tell you, how do i know you gonna do what the fuck i just told you i need to get done? okay! okay. this is valuable shit! i could get killed telling you this shit! a dude i knew in mcneil's been out a couple, three years. he's an action junkie. if he'd said nothin', i'd a thought nothin'. but he goes on and on into extra overtime on how he ain't been do-in' nothin' and then i know this cat's got something goin' down. yeah. you gonna make the call on the porsches? i'm telling you this slick is double-duty! a real doubleblank mo-fo. huh . ? yeah, that's what he calls people. "slick." six feet, built. lotta jailhouse tattoos. peacock right here. probably was a shooter once heavy time: attica, marion, could do a nickel or dine standing on his ear. he's in c-block two days, and in the shower some muslim comes up into his face and he cuts the guy a new opening for a colostomy bag and goes back to shampooing his hair. cerrito. michael cerrito. 14: here we come. converted to pdf by 30. converted to pdf by 51. converted to pdf by 52. converted to pdf by 68. converted to pdf by 86. converted to pdf by 88. converted to pdf by 92. converted to pdf by 100. converted to pdf by 112. converted to pdf by 116. converted to pdf by 130. converted to pdf by 132. converted to pdf by 141.