sure. you got a deal. absolutely. you have your man call me to set the meet. i don't want to involve extra people. what the fuck do i want all kinds of people meeting each other for? nice talking to you. van zant hangs up. he's a tall avuncular man with a flabby belly and arrow shirts: an accountant. hugh benny, a very large juice collector, is in the office. so word hits the streets it's okay to steal my stuff? i'm gonna kill the sonsa-bitches. give me your number and somebody will call you right back from a different line to set the meet. yeah. who's this? this kid i sent to straighten you up on the money. didn't call. is . uh. everything alright? what? it's a lot of money! what are you doing? i don't understand. who are these people? huh?! not a thing. yeah. sure. not hearing bothers me more. where's this guy? i been living in this office day and night. what's with your friend? that's reassuring. how the hell should i know?