you're cerrito huh? what kinda guy is this neil?
you guys always work together?
real tight crew, huh?
this works good, maybe i could go again?
behind the beautiful lady mask: trying hard to do good. his gun jumps from guard to guard to guard.
flatten - up against it! higher!
hadda mouth off? in front of them?
anybody want some pie?
i had to dust him!
showed you a good time? huh?
don't lie to me. i can always tell when people lie to me.
you don't have a truth-telling style.
you think i'm some john? i'm a stone killer! i'm a sky-blue bad ass, bitch!
sure, good buddy. set it up.
i'm looking to get into something.
chino, tracy. i'm a cowboy, heavy-hitter. billy ricketts said to come see you.
waingro. my name's waingro.
i know all about how he thinks. we took some major scores together. he's probably busy right now. but he's real thorough. he won't forget you.
yeah, i got some moves i could make here, that could be a big help to you.
they buy it?
is revealed leaning against the door jam to the rear bedroom. he straightens his clothes. a baseball bat rests against the wall.
i got to hand it to you, sport. you're slick, pal smart how you handled all this. on the ball. yeah.
she's resting. it's going down anyway? on schedule?
make the call.
i dunno.
i know what's gonna happen. nothing's gonna happen. 'cause i got it master minded. i got it jammed. this is solid. take it from the kid.
showing her a good time.
i can't leave.
on the sofa, seeing neil mccauley. he feels his internal organs drop through the floor. he looks away.