i blame not heather but rather a society that tells its youth that the answers are on the mtv video games. we must pray the other teenagers of sherwood, ohio, know the name of that "righteous dude" who can solve their problems. it's jesus christ and he's in the book. eskimo. heather duke underlined a lot of things in this copy of the catcher in the rye, but i believe the word eskimo, underlined all by itself is the key to understanding heather's pain. on the surface, heather duke was the vivacious young lady we all knew her to be. but her soul was in antartica, freezing with the knowledge of the way fellow teenagers can be cruel, the way parents can be unresponsive, and as she writes so eloquently in her suicide note, the way life can suck. we'll all miss sherwood's little eskimo. let's hope she's rubbing noses with jesus.