yeah, she really wants to talk to you. yeah, so what's the question? i forgot. veronica, could you come back here? yeah, maybe. yeah, you know holden caulfield in the catcher in the rye wouldn't put up with their bogus nonsense. what are you going to do, heather? take the two shots or send me out? shit. no, it's heather's turn. why? write the school board. fuck it. what a waste. oh the humanity. t.v. cameras! i choose to remember the good times. like when we got our ears pierced at the mall. i prayed for the death of heather chandler many times and i felt bad every time i did, but i kept doing it anyway. now i know you understood everything. praise jesus. alleluia. ah, young love. no way! don't worry. we'll work something out. what the. where did you get these? what do you want from me? but she couldn't handle it. very very. the photographs? guess who? brav-o! oh betty, wait. i almost forgot. the whitney james teenage suicide prevention t.v. special isn't going to be taped at the studios. it's going to be done in the park. it's going to be like a big picnic. bring some potato salad. hey, i'm red! back off. i called everyone, even that stoner slut. felt like giving my phone a bath. i told betty just now. damn! i don't see what gives you the right to lecture, ronnie. you were soulmates with betty finn until you realized you're the cover of seventeen magazine and she's the before half of a scarsdale diet ad. some people just don't matter. why should those who do carry their weight? am i right? they're probably just being fashionably late. is this very or what? oh, you've gotta meet whitney james! come on! whitney, here's my friend. hi everyone, door was open. veronica, you missed it! pauline and whitney james were up there doing there suicide rap when the cops come in and announce that martha dumptruck tried to buy the farm. she gave the ticket girl at the colfax theatre a suicide note then bellyflopped in front of a car. that's the punchline. she's still alive, in stable condition. another case of a geek trying to imitate the popular people of the school and failing miserably. is that pate? you are out of control. heather and kurt were a shock, but martha dumptruck, get crucial! she dialed suicide hotlines in her diapers. what. a. martyr. understand; martha couldn't take the heat so she got out of the kitchen. just think what a better place the world would be if every nimrod followed her cue. oh shit, yeah. this sounds like a good one. she's going to cry-y-y. teenage suicide; don't do it! i'll get right on it coach. and hey, a little gift. i won't be needing it. veronica! color me stoked, girl. i've gotten everyone to sign this petition even the one who think bigfun are tuneless eurofags. people love me! my god, you haven't signed! so some people need different kinds of "convincing" than others. hey, just sign the petition! it was j.d.'s idea! he made out the signature sheet and everything. now will you sign it? jealous much? because i can be! the same fucking cheek, goddamnit! why are you pulling my dick? do you think, do you really think, if betty finn's fairy godmother made her cool, she'd still act nice and hang with her dweebette friends? no way! uh-uh! veronica, you look like hell. what are you doing?