god, come on veronica!
god, i'm so sure. don't blame me, blame heather. she told me to haul your ass into the caf pronto. back me up, heather.
god, aren't they fed yet? do they even have thanksgiving in africa?
god, scan on martha dumptruck.
oh god, here we go.
ku-urt, i ne-ed an orgasm.
color me nauseous.
did she have the pie or the ice cream for dessert? and the answer is.
god veronica, drool much? his name's jason dean. he's in my american history.
god, they won't expell him. they'll just suspend him for a week or something.
king david.
ram's sweet. yo heather, you're up.
no way, no day!
so tonight's the night. are you two excited?
come on whoever wants a ride.
oh god, it's so unfair. it's just so unfair! we should get a whole week off not just an hour.
yeah, where's your urge to purge?
look, heather left behind one of her swatches. she'd want you to have it, veronica. she always said you couldn't accessorize for shit.
veronica, what are you doing?
that was seriously warped, veronica.
oh god, veronica. my hair! my clothes!
i can still hear those late night talks on the phone.
oh god, this is a tragic thing and sometimes i have a hard time dealing with it and stuff. please send heather to heaven and all that. thanks. i mean, amen.
veronica. what are you doing tonight?
ram asked me out, but he wants to double with kurt and kurt doesn't have a date.
please veronica. put billy the kid on hold tonight, i'll never forget it.
don't worry, ram's been so sweet lately, consoling me and stuff. it'll be really very. promise.
croquet won't be the same without heather.
she's right. boy, croquet's not the same without heather.
my name is heather, i mean, not heather.
it's madonna. geez, no, not that.
god has cursed me, i think. the last time i had sex, the guy killed himself the next day. i'm failing math.
fucking child protector caps.
give me a break.
what are you trying to do? kill me?
suicide is a private thing.
but what about heather and ram and kurt?
let's knock off early. go to the mall. something lame like that.