it'd be so righteous to be in a veronica sawyer-heather chandler sandwich. punch it in, ram. veronica is into his act. no doubt. shit, we're seniors, ram. too old for that crap. let's give him a scare though. what did your boyfriend say when you told him you were moving to sherwood, ohio? hey ram, doesn't this cafeteria have a no fags allowed rule? what did you say dickweed? we on tonight man? pretty weird. that pudwapper just stepped on my foot. cool off, we're seniors. that little prick. all right you piece of shit fag, do you like to suck big dicks? say it man. say i like to suck big dicks. i'm sure your friends are happy to hear that. right, guys? is it sleeping, dude? then get over on my side. oh shit, cowtipping is the fucking greatest. count of three, guy. "when i get that feeling, i need sexual healing" "feel like making bah da dah bah da dah, feel like making love." "and she's buying the stairway to heaven" women. shut the fuck up, all right. hi veronica.