i find it profoundly disturbing that we are told of a tragic destruction of youth and all we can talk about is adequate mourning times and misused vocabulary words. the school, meaning both students and teachers, must revel in this revealing moment. i suggest we get everyone into the cafeteria and just talk. and feel. together. i said a circle you imbeciles! forget it! just sit down. i'm just so thrilled to be given an example of everything i've taught you. that example is heather chandler. i have the note! i'll pass the suicide note around the room so you can feel its tragic beauty for yourself. let us share together the feelings the suicide has spurred in us all. who wants to begin? now, now, we're not here to rehash the coroner's report. let's talk emotions. that's very good peter. dear veronica, heather was your soulmate. share. shut up. will you shut up! we were in a similar position monday and i thoughtfully suggested that we get the students together for an unadulterated emotional outpouring. you took the suggestion as an opportunity to play yet another round of "let's laugh at the hippie." peter, kill the jukebox. could i have your attention? our school has been torn apart by tragedy. i'm here today to fuse it back together through love! i want everyone to clasp hands. we need to connect this cafeteria into one mighty circuit. let's begin a new happiness! yo, what's the problem? i know you know how to hold hands. ring-around- the-rosy-a-pocketful-of-posy. forget it! i'm just so thrilled to announce that whitney james of wetc news is taping a rap session with students from area high schools including westerburg. let's show the world westerburg is a diverse happy home, not suicide central! you know there's some people who say westerburg is too weak and wimpy a school to be on t.v. is that true? no or hell no? i can't hear you. veronica, there you are! you people are in charge of getting delegates from every clique in the school to be on the whitney james teenage suicide prevention t.v. special. let's be able to say we were the ones who put peer pressure out to pasture. i'm sure you'll work something out. everyone take their places on the stage! isn't this thrilling?! what, the wine? i realize you're all under 21, but it seemed like such a perfect touch. could we get some more light up here? our schools have been torn apart by tragedy. let's fuse them back together through love. let's clasp hands and connect ourselves in one mighty circuit like a dove. let's begin a new happiness. with no more suicide. no more problems. veronica! j.d. told me you committed suicide last night! we have to talk. whether to kill yourself is one of the most important decisions a teenager has to make.