hell yes. i wanna set a heather on my johnson and just start spinning her like a fucking pinwheel. damn right right. i'd pay madonna one million dollars to ride my face like the kentucky derby. she should be paying me, though. who does that new kid think he is with that coat? bo diddley? let's kick his ass. you going to eat this? answer him dick! jesus god in heaven, uh, why did you kill such hot snatch. that's a joke, man. people are so serious. hail mary, who aren't in heaven, pray for us sinners. so we don't get caught. another joke, man. i still got to talk to heather, dude. weird funeral, huh? let's kick his ass. goddamn geek! say it! i think so, man. punch it in! sex and drugs and hbo is all i ever need! whoa! can you hear me! hello tokyo! i said sex and drugs and. lighten up, dude. in those woods is some of the finest pussy in the school and we don't even have to buy it a hamburger and a diet coke. punch it in! so do we just start fucking? what about you? oh. good idea.