veronica rampages through her diary. veronica savagely scrawls in her diary, tears burning fierce. veronica flings her diary across the room where it hits the wall behind the stunning figure of j.d. veronica gasps. veronica and j.d. load guns on veronica's bed. veronica breaks into a laugh. veronica cringes. veronica slams down the receiver and pulls up a sleek leather address book. she severely scans through it. tossing it away, veronica then descends into the sundry junk of her night table drawer and draws up another address book; this one is frayed and pink polka-dotted. she peruses it and dials. veronica and heather duke simultaneously move into stunned kneeling positions, half-realizing who the caller is. heather duke excitedlly jumps up as heather mcnamara drones on. veronica vaults through her bedroom door. a barbie doll wearing a bigfun t-shirt hangs from a noose. with a whimper, she swerves away from it and dives onto her bed. veronica curls into a fetal position on her bed and closes her eyes. tighter and tighter as j.d.'s voice. veronica hugs j.f.k. the cat then rips down the hanging barbie. j.d. crawls through veronica's window. hanging from the rafter, neck in a noose of bedshoots, is veronica. j.d. paces the room, sweating and ranting, waving a gun in one hand, the barbie doll in the other.