it looks like the teen suicide epidemic has hit home in sherwood as the death toll at westerburg high rockets to three. heather chandler, kurt kelly, and rupert "ram" sweeney all had good looks and popularity, but there's one thing they didn't have: values, ambition, and hope. it rained everyday of my maui vacation, but hey, i didn't kill myself. i'm whitney james, commentary. ah please sit down. i got a confession to make. my name used to be heather, too. people just don't take the name heather seriously. they should, shouldn't they? oh, i was scared of the same thing, heather. the minute you try to deal with the actual teenagers who have contemplated suicide you're stepping into quicksand. quicksand filled with bad complexions, bad grades, bad parents, bad drugs, and all sorts of doody nobody wants to hear let alone bend down to clean up. i'm not knocking teen suicide. it's exciting stuff. my personal faves are those kids from loaded families grabbing the mike to whine how even though they bagged a b.m.w. on their birthday, they're still quote-unquote depressed. it's ridiculous. people who say money can't buy happiness don't know where to shop. stained with loserness. oh, i like it. can i use that. it'd be dynamite on interoffice memoranda. sure. ciao. let's go for another take.