oh! . . . mackerel. we'll have them for lunch tomorrow. playfully shoves his hand away. i'll think you'll find our mr. bayliss is not keen on seafood. i've got lamb chops in the 'frigerator. glances at his album. you have been splashing out! well? tell us! how'd it go? glows with pride. steve is emptying his pockets on the bench. honora pats steve's hand. don't worry about it now. we'll sort it out after dinner. you go put your record on. come on! sausage rolls. and pauline hurriedly work together, setting out plates and cutlery. whips off her pinny as herbert leads juliet into the dining room. hello, juliet. and herbert exchange a glance. honora smiles at juliet. i've heard your mother on 3ya. the woman's session has lots of lively debate. i wouldn't want my private business being discussed with a complete stranger! and herbert exchange a glance. eat up, yvonne. leads a young man-john-into the dining room. this is the dining room . . . do excuse us. breakfast is between seven and nine . . . the bedroom's small, but it's very clean and comfortable. comes in with a breakfast tray: bacon and eggs, tea and toast. come on, sit up. you've got to eat, yvonne. you hardly touched our dinner. i'm not having you falling ill. starts to cut up a slice of bacon and offers it to pauline. you may have forgotten that you were once a very sick little girl, but i haven't! holds up a loaded fork. pauline reluctantly takes it. juliet's infectious . . . she'll be going to hospital. her parents won't be going overseas now . . . they'll have to cancel their trip. don't worry about juliet. juliet won't be allowed visitors for at least a couple of months. i've booked you in for a chest x-ray . . . just to be on the safe side. pops a couple more potatoes on pauline's plate. herbert glances at pauline. you used to love making things with dad, yvonne. yvonne! hurries over. it's best not to get too close. juliet's still not a hundred percent. hello, juliet! we've bought you some fruit. that's coming along well! goodness me! what a lot of letters. are your parents enjoying their trip? oh . . . there's a couple of unopened ones, dear. gives her a sympathetic look. i know it's hard for you being in here, but it is for the good of your health. looks startled at the outburst. we don't want to tire you out, dear. stands and picks up her handbag. pauline stands and juliet grabs her hand. we've got a tram to catch, yvonne. stands in the doorway. john's no longer staying here. from now on, you're sleeping in the house, where we can keep an eye on you. if you think for one minute that your father and i will tolerate this sort of behaviour, you've got another thing coming! you're only 14!!! you're a child! what on earth's the matter with you, yvonne? you know what can happen with boys . . . don't you have any self-respect? sighs. grabs pauline by the shoulders. you think you're such a clever little madam! you had your father in tears last night! my god, what a disgrace you are! you shame me, you shame the family. you're nothing but a cheap little tart! whirls around and slaps pauline on the cheek. steps back. you're going to be late. is standing, holding the door open, looking rather surprised at the unexpected visitor. yes, of course. yvonne hasn't been herself, either. locking herself away in her room . . . endlessly writing. frowns at henry. i'm not sure what you mean, dr. hulme. what's she done??? answer dr. bennett, yvonne. yvonne! leaves the room. looks up from her chair. bustles in, and dr. bennett closes the door. pauline sits down, folds her arms and stares blankly at a couple of sick patients. looks horrified. but she's always been such a normal, happy child. but what about the vomiting? she's lost a lot of weight . . . oh . . . is it hurting, dear? your leg . . . have you got pain? walks in, waving a letter. this arrived today, yvonne . . . it's a letter from the school . . . from miss stewart. she says the standard of your work is slipping. at this rate she doesn't think you'll get school certificate. i care . . . your father cares . . . we want you to have a good education. you're failing english . . . you used to be top of the class- pauline i'm doing my own writing! snatches up an exercise book from a large pile. these stories are not going to get you school certificate! you don't seriously think anyone's going to publish them? is very angry. you're rude . . . rude and insolent! i don't see why i should keep a horrid child like you at school a minute longer. all right! you go out there and get a job and you damn well pay your own way! storms out of the room and slams the door. is walking past with an armful of washing. is she still in there? pauline . . . come on, you've had enough time. you open up this door right now! open this door! don't be so ridiculous. you're our daughter, you belong here with us. you're not going anywhere. you're 15 years old!! stands and walks toward the door. we'll talk about this when you've calmed down. pauses at the door. pauline is slowly rocking on the bed, staring at the wall. love, you can still write to each other. softly touches pauline's cheek. pauline winces, averting her face. yvonne. please don't be like this, love. i've just had hilda hulme on the phone. she says juliet's in a terrible state . . . shakes her head. yvonne hasn't spoken to me for nearly two weeks. breaks down into heavy sobs. whoa . . . there s enough there to feed an army! hello, juliet. juliet take off her jacket. oh-what a nice outfit! is bending down, pulling a tray of sausage rolls into the oven. both girls look at honora silently. turns around and juliet presents her with a brown paper bag. oh! i'll pop them in a bowl. picks up the satchel. pauline and juliet tense up . . . as honora puts the satchel on a chair. that's enough, yvonne! right . . . who's going to help me clear away? bye. well . . . i better make myself a bit more presentable. is sitting at the back with pauline and juliet bus winds its way toward the cashmere hills. spots a tea kiosk. i'd like a cuppa tea first! come on! heads toward the kiosk. oh, no. i'm watching my figure. i put on a lot of weight over christmas. yvonne, love, we should be going back . . . we don't want to miss the bus. turns around. juliet . . . button up your coat, dear. you'll get a chill. looks down at the ground in front of her. falls to her knees . . . raising a hand to her head . . . starts to turn . . . falls to the ground . . . blood trickling down her face. she's panting heavily. parker: sarah peirse