they tell me you are den of earth, the one who dared to steal the female sacrifice from the queen. i am ard - supreme leader of the revolution and the next ruler of the world. well, aren't we fierce? if you are truly as tough as you seem, then you will serve me well. but first, a test. guards! castrate him! excellent. you are worthy to serve me. ha ha ha! you'll have to do better than that. actually no. she's sleeping, but only i can awaken her. i want you to steal the sacred loc-nar. the queen's glowing sphere, you fool. the sacrifice to uluhtec can only be performed by the possessor of the sacret loc-nar. norl! if you refuse, you die, she dies, everybody dies. by the power of the magic loc-nar placed in your idol's hands, i command you - come forth uluhtec! here is your sacrifice, uluhtec. now, give me your power! throw her in. no! you'll ruin everything!