86: where the hell are we? button it up, we're almost there. c'mon stepek, there's the whole island of rabaul down there, you can't miss! we took one back here too. c'mon stepek, blast 'em! yahoo! bullseye! flight engineer okay. radio okay. navigator check. belly okay. ah . tail okay . cheers and whoops. skipper, bellson and lewis are both dead. well kid, now you got a real bombing mission under your belt. sorry about elkhorn, skip. what happened? are ya sure he's dead, skipper? something's wrong! you got a problem, holden? naw, the kid's the one with the problem. he don't like my voice! button it up stepek. what's the problem, holden? hey, can you guys see the rest of the squadron? negative, there's too much cloud. mine too, we must have hit a magnetic field or something !! christ, now they're all doing it!! you guys quit talking business? i'm trying to sing here! oh i put my finger in a woodpecker's . look at what . look at what!!? for christ sake, give us a position! will do, skipper. travis, what's goin' on back there? skip, with everything screwed up here, i'd, i'd guess about two hundred miles. for god sakes stepek, shut up! stepek, you stupid sonovabitch, will you lay off the booze, you've got the d.t.'s . what's the problem, skip? do you have any diet soda? oh, wow . good nyborg! i think you're goin' a little high, man. it's okay, man. if there's one thing i know, it's how to drive when i'm stoned. it's like, you know your perspective's fucked, so you just gotta let your hands work the controls as if you're straight. oh, wow, good landing, man. thanks. y'know, i wish they'd clean this place up, man. yeah. it's like pig city out here. yeah. twenty-two counts of piracy in high space . eighteen counts of fraud . thirty-seven counts of rape, and one moving violation. how do you plead? to defend - this is the pact. but when life loses its value, and it taken for nought, then the pact is . to avenge!! it all started when i found the green meteorite. i read in farraday's "life of the planets" that smaller ones like this are supposed to burn up when they enter the atmosphere, but for some reason this one didn't . so i brought it up to my room, stuck it in my rock collection and forgot about it. i was experimenting with natural electricity . and with the storm warnings up, i figured maybe tonight i'd hit the jackpot. all i needed was a little juice. i felt like i was nothing - just atoms floating in the darkness . then, a body started to re-form around me. only it wasn't my body - this one had muscles. it was a great body, but i wasn't too crazy about the face. there was no way i was gonna walk around this place with my dork hangin' out! wow! this looked like something right out of the ten commandments. what'd they do that for? normally, i'd be dead by now. i kept thinking i was going to run out of air, but my new body worked great. i just hoped her body was working as good as mine. she had the most beautiful eyes. i wanted to make some conversation but i found my new self asking the same old stupid questions. you're not kidding. wow! this was great! there was no way i'd get a chick like this back on earth. i mean, look at her!! there was only one problem . they split us up and took me to this weird castle-type place. i wanted to find out where they'd taken katherine, but none of these guys seemed to speak english. this guy was a shrimp so i figured i'd play it tough. uh oh. boy! i was pretty good at this stuff. i could see why they made this guy their leader. sounded reasonable to me. this guy norl seemed to know what he was doing. and, for a gorilla, his english wasn't half bad. wow! it was just like the ball i dug up in my back yard. as i saw the loc-nar's glow i had this real funny feeling. all by themselves, my hands reached forward to touch it. but the loc-nar moved out of the way. instead, my hands felt something else - warm flesh. then the lights came on. talk about embarassing! uh oh. wow! eighteen years of nuthin' and now, twice in one day. what a place! i had no idea what she was talking about. i knew i was good, but i didn't know i was that good. boy, was she pissed off! the loc-nar! they probably went back to earth. boy, will mom be surprised. on earth, i'm nobody. but here, i am den. yeah, new york, big deal. scum-centre of the world. and now they're talking about letting in low-lifes from other planets, too. my name's harry canyon. i drive a cab. this city is really going to the dogs. stupid asshole. nobody touches me unless i want 'em to. normally my rule is "don't get involved", but something about this dame got to me. just what i needed . guess i'm a sucker for a pretty face. so here i was, stuck with this beautiful girl. i knew she was gonna be nuthin' but trouble . but i didn't feel right just leaving her for the sickos. i dunno, maybe i'm gettin' sentimental or something .