we took a hit . shit. elkhorn just bought it. bellson . lewis? kid, check the waist positions, see if they're okay. dammit! i dunno. the shell exploded and he collapsed. i think he took it in the head. he's dead. he looks at his compass. mine says east. what the hell . hey holden, now my compass has gone crazy. it's spinning like a son of a bitch! damn. we lost the goddamned prop . did it do any damage? kid, check the tail. come in kid . kid are you okay? travis; go check the back. gremlins! jesus, i must be getting tired. holden, how far to base? for christ's sake, find us a place i can put her down! mack, can you get us a radio fix? shit! i've gotta put her down! holden, for god's sake get up here on the double. just get up here! hold 'em off. i'm taking her down. jesus h. christ!