the gauges are now settled except for the oil pressure to no. 2 engine. the pressure drops. the engine heat gauge climbs rapidly. a red warning light begins to flash. he is fighting the controls. he is scared. he is fighting the controls. creatures are now in the cockpit, plucking out the instruments. the pilot reaches to the throttle only to grab a creature that locks on to his gloved hand. flying the plane with his good hand, he strikes and pummels at the attacking creatures with the other. he falls, terror-stricken, through space. finally his chute opens. a slimy creature still clings to his gloved hand. he rips off the glove and throws it and the creature away. he has landed, and is undoing his parachute harness. he looks around incredulously. the island is a junkyard - a veritable graveyard of aircrafts. there are many aircrafts, both old wrecks and futuristic-looking ones lying everywhere. skeletal corpses are still left in some of the wrecks. the camera pans to the remains of one machine. it is an old american lockheed electra. it glints dull in the half light of dawn. painted on its side are two names; "amelia earhart" and "fred noonan".