'sup. a'ight, a'ight, cool. yo, it's like this. that nigga santy claus be trippin'. first that motherfucker kills his own pops, then he start talkin' 'bout bustin a cap in hanukkah's ass. next, the racist motherfucker kick my ass out the workshop, sayin' that there ain't no room for no little colored elves like me. can you believe that shit? yo, if it wasn't for the arthritis in my joints, you best believe that i'd be. blam! blam! blam! bustin' caps all up in his ass. you know what i'm sayin'? well, come to think of it, there is one thing. before i left, i was packin' up my shit and i overheard the nigga talkin' to some business pahtnah or something. sayin that he'd meet him today at some joint called duke's. round five o'clock if my memory serves. when he got off the phone and jetted, i scoped the room for some jewelry, cash, whatevers. you know, a severance package. didn't find any duckets, but i did snatch this. shit fool, ain't no thang. if it wasn't for my real brothers here at the k.l.f., i'd be shining shoes at the train station or getting my afro tossed up against a velcro wall in some redneck bar somewhere. i finally gots a place where i belong. fuck christmas. i'm all about smoking blunts and pimpin' bitches. i'm all about kwanzaa nigga! pfff. shit nigga, ain't no thang. hey, yo santy claus, so does this mean that you gonna make me an official elf now? that's some cold shit. merry kwanzaa nigga! Merry Christmas Niggas!