now, now class let's not make fun of mordechai's spinning top. we need to all learn the importance of tolerance and understanding. isn't that right mordechai? so class, in honor of mordechai's special day, i'd like for all of us to wish morty a heartfelt merry. cha-noo-kuh day 7. very good class. i hope you've all learned an important lesson today. just because mordechai's people are different from us. just because they might appear strange to us with their furry hats, their beady eyes, and their long sideburns. not to mention their bizarre customs and unnecessarily guttural, funny sounding names. just because they control all of the worlds' money, yet are too cheap to buy their children anything better than spinning tops for presents, does not mean that we can't learn to respect and love them as our equals. happy chanoo-juah-kah day 7 morty.