so, what's our first plan of attack santa? what should i charge? so what's in the boxes? heroin? cocaine? that's some cold shit. one partridge in a pear tree to two turtle doves. what's your status? merry christmas everybody, and god bless us, everyone. it was good. very chilling, but you still got all the points across that we talked about. no, it was the perfect level. you okay? i don't know. why don't you ask them sir. uh, he can't sir. the harnesses. uh oh. what are we gonna do? he's got us on the ropes. maybe he ran out of ammo. well, he's kinda just resting in the corner with his girlfriend. it's friday. i don't know. about sundown i guess. you want me to be nice to him for no apparent reason whatsoever, buy him clothing he'll never wear, and for just one day of the year pretend to forgive him for all the horrible things he did to me as a young boy when my mommy wasn't looking? oh. take a look hammer. the clock's already beginning to power down. ah. what's the matter? no more snappy one liners. santa, i got some really bad news. my crutches. noooo. not my crutches.