nothing stirring here. let's get a look at you, shall we. a power muff girls t. very nice. alright, now spin around. very nice! alright. you're cool. go on and see santa, sunshine. oh really! is that a fact? well guess what buddy? you ain't gettin' in to see santa today, so why don't you just turn around and high tail it home. but i've been waiting to see santa all year. you heard me. get moving punk! can i have everyone's attention please. in fifteen minutes, santa's gonna have to leave. ah, don't be like that kids. we gotta lot work to do if we're gonna get all those presents out in time. hey! hey! you want shitty ass presents for christmas? you want barbies with heads screwed on backwards? you want remote control cars without the batteries included. then be my fucking guest! hey, hey! not so fast. sorry pal, you're gonna have to wait in line just like all the other parents. well. umm, when you put it that way. sure go on through. hey, hurry it up in there. we gotta bunch of kids. oh shit!