look here, pal. look here, pal. you're the help. you're. how're we all today? that's right. croft. betty croft. what's the story on your pal? how long's he been with the girl? how long's he been with her? can he do the thing? well, you see, that's what, that's what troubles me. no, i'm not a religious man. they worked out on the plan, why all a sudden now, you. why should it go sour? what? yeah. yeah. what was that about? can he cool the guy out. izzit gonna be cool? i only i'll. expenses for the truck, and. long time. what made you a criminal? din we check'em? what happened to check it an forget it? z'he gonna hold up? what is that, your philosophy? what is it to you? whose fault is that, you wanna think about it? listen:. you gonna make an impassioned speech? you gonna miss it? your boat? hey, baby, after this job, you're gone have enough money, make this look like a boat inna bathtub. what does this do to the job? what about the job? the job stands? i forgot my copy of the plans. you got to do the job, joe. you got to do the job. you got to do the job. can you shoot me and walk away from it? you know they'll kill you. you gone shoot me, go on the run, with nothing? with that pretty little thing? is that so? what does she see in you, anyway? what're you gonna do. and what? he's scared. she says he's getting old. he's broke. he's made. the cops're looking for him. he don't want to go out there with nothing. she. i think, the thing, she came to plead for him. i think so. she came to me. yes. i think she came to me on her own. she thinks the guy's weak, he's scared, she's scared, i think she's sincere. and how's he getting his share away? what are you telling me? tucking betty croft in. she's a wild, wild woman. (he hands moore a polaroid, he last thing in the world. i'm fine. i'm alright. i'm fine. you think so? no shit. five eighteen. how's he. how is he? they got your photo? you can't go through the roadblock if. yeah, but you. i can't have you going through the. fuck it. if they got you on film i am not going through that with the gold and you in the truck. they got you on film, you got to go. you'll never make the road block. joe. you know, your wife said it. you're burnt. i do not see the percentage. you're burnt, for chrissake. you're fucken burnt old man. what're you, telling your beads "i go with the gold". look here: you tell me: what're they gonna be looking harder at? you tell me, you here with us, or you in an empty car. get in the truck. get in the truck. get in the truck. i, uh. i seem to've lost my ticket. just. yea? when'd you get so tough. you didn't used to be so tough. yeah, that's about as close as i ever want it to be. hey, din't we make that decision? what kind of people try to look calm? broke down, this morning, five, five fifteen. nothing, you know, nothing to eat. nothin' to eat but luckies. look at the paperwork. thank you, but we got that thing palletted in there, pretty good, and. i, uh, i don't want to change it, i'd rather wait. i figure, we can't be any safer than in here. i think pretty good off my feet, too. what is it? to make him see my point of view. well, you know, he's gonna have a headache. uh huh. what? i took the thrill out of "slumming" we're going to the rendezvous. we got twelve hours. the truck's broken. why don't we just? s'alot of money we've got back there. what're you, filled with remorse, something? are you filled with remorse? well, good, cause. yes, indeed it is, but i'm going to tell you something. we're gonna. that lame, that old lame you were with. he was. what did you think he was? he was a non-starter. what did you think. what way in hell was he going to go home with the gold? based on what fairy tale? you knew that. only one who didn't know that was. well, yeah, no, i told you. we aren't going to the meet. you want me to tell you why? there is no meet, for the luvva god. you know that. yeah. i'll get you a drink, and here's a bracer. we left the meet at the airport. we left the meet, your guy went out, got his picture on the videott. and let's cut out the shucking and the jivin': what kind of man, sends you to me, sends his wife to me. to "distract" me. oh? surprise! i was all taken in. how about that. what a fool i am. would i do that to you? nothing simpler. we're gonna siddown, and i'll draw you the scheme of it, the new thing, on a napkin. we can get a few, we can bury the bars, if we bury the bars in the. okay. look: we fit'em back into the container. we. come on, come on. well, not quite. well. they don't always leave with the ones they came in with.