forty seconds. ten seconds. that's it, that's gotta be it. you know, in many ways, it isn't their arrogance that hurts, it's the money. i was gonna buy a scooter for my niece. you know, this's the goddamndest thing i ever saw: they got his face on tap, he's got to steal away like the arabs. well, what about times two. if they stiffed him on monday, what're they gonna do on wednesday. may it be so. i hold tight with the crew, the crew holds tight with me, is all i'm. he's too old for that. how long is a chinaman's name. i got em. keep it together. keep it together. just pick up your clipboard, and make like you're writing in it. my motherfucker is so cool, when he goes to bed, sheep count him. the thing of it is, the thing of it is, it's a question of redistribution. the question: how do we get the money from there to here. it's just a question in logistics. who said that? how's your leg? i'm gonna be as quier as an ant pissing on cotton. i'm ready to go do it, you know why? i never liked the swiss in any case. you know why? they make those little clocks, two cocksuckers come out of them, little hammers, hit each other on the head. they found the car. the car we used at the overpass. the cops found it, i heard it on the police band. i, i. i stopped off to see my niece, i. i'm sorry, joe. joe. joey, i. i don't see how they could of found the car. joe. joe, i swear to god. i swear to god, i. are they gone? well, then, you get gone, too. you take care, pally. you gonna be okay? you're taking down the boat guy. that's your case money. and then aloha. s'a shame, you know what, we din't get a chance, actually do the thing. the swiss job. at's a beautiful plan. no, it's a beautiful plan, joe. you're the maestro. izzat so? see you, joe. they're good for digestion. cute as a pail full of kittens. robert the bruce. watched this spider, try, three hours, to spin this web. til finally. he succeeded. mrs. croft. she is active in the church choir. she has had her job for sixteen years. last time i saw her, she had stomach problems. what's the response time on the tow truck? that's right. hold that door. hold that door. the video's out. you're looking at me doing it. well i. i can tell you who's. i put it on, it's all on the computer, n'the computer went down. i'm trying to do my job, i'm bay five. go left. bay five. wait wait wait wait wait. i. i threw it in the garb. joe: joe, listen: joe: they got your. joe. they got your. the staties. i saw it in the car. i. parking tickets, you've been here two days. joe, get in the c. glad to do it, glad to do it, glad to do it. waal, we're gonna have to see. we're gonna have to see. well, it's possible, it's possible, you see, that my 'business'. that i might have to go 'travelling' for a while. wish i could, baby. fact it. fact is: i got to get out of here, this morning. that's when my plane leaves. well, there you go. times change. my day, all kids, had to walk all the way to school. izzat so? good day for the race. the human race. well, i, uh, i, uh, i, you know, i'm reluctant to tell you. hey. hey, look: z'all i know. what're you, gonna hurt me? the way you're looking at the deal the deal was we get away with the gold. cute huh? we, uh, we "slip away." well, you know, joe figured, you weren't never going to the meet. you know: you can understand my reluctance to tell you. alright?