help me. help me. don't be embarrassed. you're my friend. well? i'm cold. well? surreal? strange? nightmarish? yes, i still like wine . and more. close it. i know. well? now all we need is a skin. sssh. i think it's still here. yes. i had to stop you going in there because i knew you'd cry out. any normal person would. it . it's just terrible. no. not now. was i right? is it terrible? oh. you look awful. you poor boy. come here. come to mother . what's your name? i'm julia. thank you, kyle. kirsty! how nice of you to drop in. you have surprisingly good taste in men. oh, you can try it, you little bitch. i'd love you to try it. but i'm not just the woman i was. i mean i'm something more than human, you little shit! oh, kirsty. they didn't tell you, did they? i'm afraid they've changed the rules of the fairy tale; i'm no longer just the wicked step-mother. now i'm the evil queen. so come on; take your best shot, snow white. you're sure this is what you want? oh, i quite understand. she certainly has. it certainly is. do be careful. come. i have such sights to show you. go back? what an earth makes you think we can go back? sorry, friend. no day trips to hell. here you are. here you stay. and forward the only way to go. but you wanted this. you wanted to see. you wanted to know. and here it is. the heart of hell. leviathan. why do you think i was allowed to go back? for you? no, it wanted souls. and i brought you. and you wanted to know. now you're both happy. goodbye, doctor. it's been real. frank. well, well. all my family together again. how very sweet. frank. you knew? oh, i do. i do. do you really need to ask? nothing personal, babe. oh, poor larry. you never could hold on to anything for very long, could you? noooooooooo! doctor. i've missed you. i'm a girl who keeps her promises. do it, tiffany! do it! trust me. i'm julia. love me.