where am i? steve. what are you talking about? who are you? i thought steve had talked to you? he talked about demons, huh? it's true. all of it. it's all true. i saw it. him. but i got away. and i took the box. and i solved it. and they came. the cenobites. the demons. wait! the mattress. you've got to destroy it. she died on it, you see. the mattress. it's haunted now. she can come back. like frank. she can come back. you a doctor, too? hi, kyle. the cop. he didn't believe me. do you believe me? it is the truth. i'm sorry, kirsty. kyle will come back with something to help you sleep. we shall speak tomorrow. what's the matter with her? god, that's terrible. hey, good joke, kyle. do you always come on to the mentally ill? jesus, i'm glad i'm not paying for this place. daddy. i. i had a visitor. oh, jesus. i can't explain. it's . it's. i don't know how to help! i have to save him and i don't know how to help! i know. no-one can. but i have to save him. where's the other doctor? he said he'd listen. he promised. help. no, no-one can help. i just want someone to listen or i will go crazy. yeah? he got a ticket to hell? it must have been going on forever. but the part i know about, that must have started with my uncle frank. shit, kyle. this is getting to be a habit. what is it, some kind of shock-therapy? oh, jesus. what is it? yeah? no bad dreams. as much as that bed of nails allowed. oh yeah? on your own a lot, huh? you thought i was crazy, didn't you? and you're sure it was a woman? don't worry about it. your attitude sucks anyway. what can i do? how can i save him? the box. i need the box. what? what do you mean? you didn't tell me. do you mean malahide's got. i'm going. get out of the way. i don't know, kyle. you're the fucking expert. now get out of the way! because i'm going to get my father! i'm going to get my father. kyle, you don't have. kyle? kyle? kyle! no! i'll kill you, you. what, you mean you're something more than a whore with a vicious streak? oh, shit. no! wait. wait. hey, remember me? from the hospital? i was in the next room? you don't want to go down there. you really don't want to go down there. jesus christ. tiffany. wait! tiffany! don't trust it! don't trust it! mommy. nooooo! no! you. you can't! it wasn't me. i didn't do it! i didn't open the box! but i didn't open it! i didn't! i've come for my father! i don't believe you! and what about you? do you see? you were right. this is a puzzle, too. but we're caught in the puzzle. yeah? yeah? yeah! daddy? tiffany. wait here. if i'm not back real soon - get out. get home. daddy. daddy. it's kirsty. oh god. daddy. ? no! i should have known! i should've known he wouldn't be here! this place is only for filth like you! yes! no! he shouldn't be here! it should've been a trick! you're full of shit, frank cotton. my dad wasn't like that at all. he could feel. he could love. he loved me. he. he loved me. he loved me, you bastard! he loved me, he loved my mother. he even loved that bitch you betrayed him with! daddy! daddy! i love you! help me! for god's sake! he killed you! this is tiffany she's good at puzzles. oh. my. god. tiffany, listen. you've solved it. but we've got to solve it the other way. see? see? we've got to get out. please! tiffany, please! get us out! take us home, please! malahide . jesus christ! of course . it's . no. come on. we have to get out of here. my god, it's her room! no. no, there's something wrong. tiffany . ? but these were . daddy? these flowers. i saw them just. the day . before. yesterday daddy? daddy! daddy! get help. pass me a pillow. what do you do? i just don't know what to do. is he going to be 0.k.? but it's bad? is he going to be all right? wh. oh, fuck. c'mon. c'mon! come on!! faster, you bastard, faster! oh, jesus. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i didn't mean it. it's 0.k. they can't beat an elevator. not upstairs. it'll be o.k. it'll be o.k. this way. short cut. oh, christ. this isn't just personal anymore. wait! no deals! just information. information. free of charge. no strings. just information. no, no, this one didn't escape. you told me you'd always been in hell. you were wrong. look at it. look. it's you. it's you! you haven't always been as you are. you were human. remember. remember all your confusions. think! you were all human! leave her alone, you asshole! what are you talking. finish what? tiffany! wait! oh, gross. what are you doing? what are we doing? no. don't let it. you've come this far. tiffany! no! so. what're you going to do? open up a games-shop somewhere? sell jigsaw puzzles? well . g'bye.