uh. excuse me a moment. so. you're kirsty, huh? nearly a doctor. i'm kyle macrae. call me kyle. oh, jesus, i'm sorry. god, if anyone should know not to do that, it's me. i'm sorry. o.k.? sad, huh? she's been here six months. her name's tiffany. almost complete withdrawal. she hasn't said a word for nearly two years. yeah. doctor malahide's got her doing these jig-saws and things, though. says it's helping to bring her out. anyway, let's concentrate on you for a moment. wanna suck on this for me? shit. sorry. here's the pills. red face. door. bye. what? kirsty, i'm sorry. don't understand. i. dr. malahide. yes. look, i'll fetch him. you take it easy. i'm sure he can help. if anyone can help, he can. doctor malahide . ? jesus christ. jee-sus-kerr-ist! oh, shit. jesus christ! it's all true. you o.k.? kirsty? you 0. k.? so you slept o.k.? well, the sofa isn't often used for sleeping on. like the robe? i think i need to talk. about what i saw. jesus, yes! what do you expect. i mean, god, i still do! it's just that now i'm crazy too. god, i wish i could say no. this is going to do terrible things to my attitude, you know. hey, so for it. don't let pity stop you. i'm down. nail me. the box? like in your story? like in his house? the boxes. in the house. i told you. the boxes! i told you. yeah. the things you were talking about. wait a minute. what do you mean, 'i'm going?' to the house? are you crazy? why? two seconds. just two seconds. don't move. o.k. let's go. i know i don't have to. it's just my time of the month to be a complete fucking idiot. o.k.? wait! the . thing . i want to be sure it's not here. what? the. the thing? is it in there? yes. yes, it's terrible. kyle.