we can bring them back properly more often than scientific orthodoxy dictates, ladies and gentlemen. and the knife, far from the enemy of of analysis, is often its greatest ally in solving the puzzles of psychosis. analysis isolates and massages. surgery pinpoints and corrects. . though you've got to know what you're doing, of course. some things are obvious. here, for example, . are the optical motor nerve control centers. now. this case. a deeply-buried psychosis severe enough to produce frighteningly frequent hysteria and aggression. incurable. say others. not so. analysis isolates. the knife exposes. medication controls. and then, ladies and gentlemen, we rebuild. with all the care and knowledge that our years of training have given us . my part in this is over. you may tidy up for me. kyle, you come with me. sorry. must get that door fixed. detective ronson? i am doctor malahide. my assistant, kyle macrae. and this must be kirsty? i've read the boy's statement. quite the adventure they believe they had. i'd like to talk to her alone. do you think . ? detective. i'll be able to help this girl. but i need your assistance . now, kirsty. i suspect not. but that doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong, does it? well, i don't know yet. however, you're not lying. you believe this is the truth. well? very well. tiffany. come. and how are we feeling today? better? good. officer kucich? yes, doctor malahide. you've spoken to ronson? yes . that's right. the mattress . no, i'll meet you by the side entrance. no, no, my house. yes, let me make that clear. the house, not the hospital. . yes . fine, and thank you. kirsty? then let us speak of it . mr. browning. please, lie down. here. this will help. yes. yes. you look. no. you look. it's a beautiful dress. there. well? julia! it's what i've always wanted. a view of . beyond. you were almost enough, julia but. i have to see. i have to she's done it. it's coming. enough. god, that's enough. we have to go back. i want to go back! no! no! julia! help me! and to think i hesitated . tiffany. come. i have a whole new world of puzzles for you to enjoy . a whole new world of pleasures for you to endure. the doctor is in! i recommend amputation. tiffany. come. tiffany. come. oh,good. a fight. ah, girls. and how are we feeling today? you have your whole lives behind you now. surgery is open, tiffany. what was today's agenda? ah, yes. evisceration. i knew you'd come back.