ah, you're awake. good. tell you what - we'll make a deal. i'll tell you what i know, then you tell me what you know. o.k.? o.k.? you're in the malahide institute. it's a psychiatric hospital. but, hey, don't feel judged - it was just the nearest place to bring you. remember? you and your boyfriend. ? don't worry. he's o.k. we sent him home hours ago. jeez, what a story. what was it, kid? smack? angel dust? don't tell me acid's back in fashion? oh, excuse me. ronson. homicide. i'm this district's slash and dash expert. made a career of the nasty ones. that's why i was at your dad's house. jesus, what a mess. we got two missing people and a house full of corpses. talk to me. oh, pardon me. i obviously didn't convey my hesitation to take his story at face-value. no, you talk to me. but - do me a favor? - none of this demons crap. yeah. ronson. what the hell are you asking me for? tag it. move it. easy, easy. whatever happened, whatever you saw, it's not here now. who? mmmm. o.k. frankly, i think she's more your territory than mine. shame. kirsty. doctor malahide's going to look after you now. maybe we could talk some more tomorrow.