oh, lord- he's smiling in this one. no, he doesn't. he's just- enthusiastic. as they approach hb's room. oh, you know. the usual. since they moved in together- good days and bad. on cue, the concrete wall explodes!'.! a massive ball of fire swings the final steel door open, almost tearing it off its hinges. then again, there are the really bad days- manning and abe cower behind a pillar. once the explosion dies away- hellboy's revealed, lying on the floor, his back smoking and in flames. red- i'm afraid i do detect some activity- as the agent and liz inspect the other iron cages, he extends his webbed fingers. more- many more- no. maybe a hundred- or two- they're all around us- sounds of movement from burrowing, unseen creatures- uh- if i'm right, we should leave now and ask for backup. ah, i knew it. have you noticed the floor?? red- there is no rug- hellboy lifts his foot, realizing he's been walking on an inch-thick layer of- ahem- poo. precisely. alright, but- okay, then- they're- um- tooth fairies. third century, the teutoburg forest. famished. they feed on calcium- oh, my- look- there's manning. he raises the volume as manning is shown, surrounded by microphones. touche. more high-pitched jabbering. johann replaces the little fairy in the holding pen. how can we find the troll market??? its location has been a source of speculation for centuries we've looked there before-- staked it out for weeks- "336" the schufftein glasses?? yes, very commanding, very soothing. i like him. oh- no, no, no, it's not a parlor trick. oh, goodness, no- i- very well, if you insist. you. keep. a large, battery-operated vibrating egg by your bedside. a shrieking camera crew runs up loaded with video equipment. in 1778 emil schufften, a good friend of benjamin franklin, designed these optical sets with the intent of photographing fairies in england. bowling balls- they give me trouble. a locking mechanism- brother red!! i'm following a lead, red. keep your locator -. a large troll cuts him off- excuse me- what do you think you're doing? i don't think you- the troll opens a small wooden box and extracts a nasty looking insect: a narcotic bug. oh, my- the second troll loads the buzzing bug - like a bullet - into a blowpipe. abe turns just as he blows. the bug lands on abe's chest and sinks its stinger deep into his flesh. he groans. i - i carry no weapons, madam- i assure you. your brother-?? a revolt? no, no, no, i- you are sorely mistaken. he takes a step forward but the yrdrig comes out of nowhere, barking and growling. my name is abe sapien - horrible- i know- but- please, hear me, i beg you. i am an agent of the bureau for paranormal research and defense. if we can assist you- your highness, the honor is all mine. please, it was nothing. love the puppy, we would be. honored, i'm sure. but, may i ask: from whom do you seek asylum? suddenly, a commotion outside. the door flies off its hinges. hellboy and johann burst in, leaping over a pile fallen guards outside. red, no! i'm all right! the princess shrinks back, but abe motions for calm. gentlemen! some respect, please! the princess looks with dismay at her vanquished bodyguards. the narcotic bugs buzz around hb, who swats them like mosquitoes. red, apologize at once! we are in the presence of. royalty! hellboy's never heard abe sound like this- giddy as a schoolboy. oh, most definitely. she's from an ancient, noble line - so, you do need our help? just a global chart, edo - that's the old name for tokyo - moscow, and renvyle here- pick them up!! do as i say! with a sigh, hellboy scoops up a few. how many do you have? three! there's always seven! find the last one!!! quick, it's going for water! hellboy reaches for it. but it's too late. the thing hops into the manhole and lands somewhere below with a splash. oh, my god, evacuate the area! this may not be the best place for you, your majesty. with your permission. he offers the princess his arm. she takes it and allows abe to lead her away. a moment later, the elemental smashes the ground where they had been standing! every time the elemental moves, he trails behind roots and branches. the roots connecting to its feet and leading to the original tree trunk, like an umbilical cord. johann sees this- hb? this is blue. the princess is fine. you'll figure it out. johann - they're almost here. johann moves among massive construction machinery. he stops at a stack of heavy spools of cable. abe comes running, pointing at the cable. yes. i had the very same idea. he gets behind the levers and handles of a complex machine which holds a half mile of steel cable. but how do you operate this?? i need more! i love this part. keep going. charlotte bronte died shortly before i was born. it would have been a great privilege to have known her. how can you know? we all saw- renvyle, ireland- the ancient isles- men. usually mean well, i believe that. but they need our help and patience. it's as you were saying, i suppose. from intuition, feeling. i've never met anyone like you. but that's my instinct. they gaze fondly at each other through the glass, as bubbles swirl out of abe's gills. ah, hello red. you're up late. barry m- oh, gosh- no- no- it was er- urm- vivaldi. il cimento dell'armonia i believe i particularly admire the passage. hellboy hits the eject button on abe's cd player. the music stops and he pulls out a different cd from the changer. ooh- ooh- i know- i'd cry, but i don't have the glands for it. i miss him- father- don't you?? he would tell what to do- he would tell what's right- what's wrong- you know? i- i never much appreciated manilow's artistry that much- until now- now it seems to be a grand poet and speaks directly to my innermost feelings. i find these leather outfits very wait, red, the lab's in it- this is a most unfortunate vehicle. the sheer waste of precious fossil fuels. carribbean blue, actually. camera moves to the next makeup chair, where the very sexy makeup girl 3 gingerly touches hellboy's chest. actually, mr. leno, my lungs are more like gills. i need to convert the air's nitrogen into oxygen, otherwise i'd suffocate in five minutes. princess! without thinking, he darts forward. instantly, one of the trolls swipes at him, its claws just missing his chest- h.b., no! stop - you mustn't harm him! as the prince totters, hellboy turns to look at abe, momentarily distracted- then- liz, i'm sorry. it's a magical alloy. every time i touch it, it moves closer to his heart. i cannot reverse the magic- we have to look for the prince or somebody that can help red. no. sorry. no -? the map contained within the cylinder seems useless- renvyle it is- both the princess and her brother were born there. they hold it sacred. we'll make it alright. screw manning- you are right, liz- we should just do this together: the three of us. liz smiles. engine, starting- refer to na-7488-bd. liz climbs in behind him. just a few more minutes. here's an easy way to remember that "port" means "left." they each have four- a noise from the door: it's johann. its useless- i- i- can't- i can't pilot this thing. johann sits down in the co-pilot seat and melds with the controls. this should be the portal. by all rights- johann reaches the tree and inspects it carefully. renvyle is over there. they glance up and down the beach, looking for a boat. hellboy blinks and sniffs the air. a goblin speaks up from an outcropping of rocks in the shallows directly in front of them. by his side, sitting atop of a tree: a satyr and a crow observe the group. you mustn't. one touch can kill him. the goblin's eyes grow wide with understanding. the only way in- i'm afraid we'll have to jump in- can you make it-? hellboy nods. i know- why isn't there more security?? with a roar, wink!!!!! - jumps out and throws a chain around bellboy's neck! the chain is connected to his iron mace which now dangles around hellboy's neck. the two creatures battle each other fiercely. wink's mace destroys a nearby tree, like a wrecking ball and it connects twice with hellboy's head. but red gets the upper hand quickly, snapping the chain in two and twirling the mace like a boleador. red, are you-? stop - i have it. abe, dripping wet, stands there, the last gold segment in the palm of his hand. you cannot fight him- not without hurting her. that was your price!! a ransom, you said - paid in good faith!! he - he's a cad! can you imagine, a highborn heir to the throne, last in a noble line of- no= please- no- hellboy moves away from him. do it, please. i - i'm ready for the real world now. johann turns the cylinder. the tree roots form their arch. and the bprd team walks through. yes, mr. manning. i want to thank you, too. for all you've done for us over the years. he gives his stuff to the astonished agent. i quit. hellboy glances at abe, then hauls out the samaritan and shrugs off his pack, too.