so. this one. the boy- i remember him well! anung-un-rama! i helped bring him into this world - in my fashion. it pulls a set of a glowing, red-hot tongs out of the fire. it studies the speartip, which has buried itself deep in hellboy's flesh. i warn you: it is his destiny to rule over the destruction of the earth. not now, not tomorrow - but some day. you are sure you want him to live? very well, then- but let it be said: the day will come when you will pay the price fire girl: this will bring you and the world much sorrow. harmless now. see - ? hellboy's eyes flutter open. sleep now, child. your strength, it will return. a guttural hiss from the corner: the goblin is jumping up and down, pointing at the speartip. ach, outside with you! she tosses the speartip to the creature, who scoops it up and bounds out the door. instantly, the goblins and birds leap down and crowd around him, chattering in excitement over the latest prize. she gazes down at hellboy, whose yellow eyes are fixed on her. he smiles wanly.