pre-celtic votive sculpture is in granite and has been dated circa 700 b.c. like the guests, the auctioneer is dressed in formal wear. tv monitors display the image of the statue so the bidders can have a closer look. we'll open the bidding at two hundred thousand dollars. a distinguished buyer raises his hand- two hundred and seventy-five, and. we have three hundred, thank you mr. van hausen - three hundred thousand once- a female bidder raise her hand- and three hundred and fifty thousand, thank you mrs. bernstein- as the auction carries on, a steward leaves the room and heads down - and now, for our next item. lot #777. two stewards wheel in an oaken box and open it. nestled in maroon velvet is an eight-inch, ornately decorated arc of gold. a once-in-lifetime opportunity. for the first time in auction. a piece of the royal crown of bethmoora. a precious artifact dating from the atrebatean period. exquisite workmanship in 24 carat gold. the lights flicker briefly, provoking murmurs from the audience. please- please- ladies and gentlemen. may i have your attention. as i was saying, observe the fanciful creatures adorning the outer surface, figures from a lost mythology. the lights go out completely. from the sudden darkness, the shadowy figure speaks up. sir, would you please identify yourself? i see no badge or- security- call security- this is an outrage- an- the shadowy figure reaches into his pockets and throws a handful of seeds at the auctioneer's feet. -outrage of- krrrrr-k the seeds sprout into massive, thick branches and roots and instantly engulfing the auctioneer amidst coils of wooden branches, crushing him. they grow and grow until they crack the ceiling!! soon the auctioneer disappears, and in its place stands a compact, twisted tree. tiny creatures emerge from its branches and crawl around the trunk. crash!!!!! four security guards come flying through the side doors and land in the aisles with a thud!!! the spectators scream. wink walks in. he carries two large iron boxes on his back. on the sides of the boxes a royal seal, embossed in the metal. people cower in the corners, screaming in terror and disbelief. wink shrugs the iron boxes to the floor with a clang!!!! inside them, little clawed things are scrabbling - mewling, fast and hungry!! at the shadowy figure's signal, the troll opens the cages. and the people's screams redouble.