johann kraus, at your service. his unearthly voice is velvety and warm. almost soothing. liz smiles. hellboy glowers as kraus' fishbowl head turns toward them. poor things, bought and sold on the black market. smuggled in tight, cramped cages. let's see what they can remember- oh, no, no- no amulets are required. he adjusts the valves at the tips of his fingers and approaches the lock. i can inhabit inanimate things: organic, exactly. a protoplasmic emanation seeps out from his fingertips, slightly deflating his body. the tendrils enter the- -"dead" fairy. i can briefly take control of entities, both mechanical and organic and reactivate their neural system- the "dead" fairy snarls and bares its teeth at hellboy. two more do the same from another pen. you scare him- the fairy blabbers furiously while glaring at hb. rough translation: he says you are rude, brutish and not too bright- enough. it seems our little friend here remembers a noise. a very peculiar noise in the last place where his cage was traded: market sounds- exactly, miss sherman. the fairy starts babbling uncontrollably and grows pale and weak. i'm losing my grip on its limbic system- he feels nauseous. i'm afraid he's about to die- yes, well- trolls dwell under bridges- and vladimir vanya 18th century occultist- places it under washington bridge yes, but this time i have asked for a very special piece of equipment- he moves in to a large crate marked "lot 336" on loan from the smithsonian. plus we have this clue- he produces the sketch of the royal seal. in my mind we have enough to go by- any questions?? abe is about to ask something when, abruptly, hellboy raises his hand- yes- what is it? they head towards the garbage truck. manning, abe and are waiting there. let me take care of this. johann bravely confronts the news teams and the crowd. ladies and gentlemen, my name is johann kraus and i beg you to allow us- -please, we need space to work- please- in due time- very soon- we will provide all the answers you require, all the whos, whys and wherefors- but for now- an egg hits him in the face- hard. the crowd roars- -it's been a long. long time. for many decades really, that the bprd has served you- all of you. in silence. we have waged an unknown war - but a very real one. heroes have died unrewarded and unrecognized so that you might go about your daily life. to work, to marry, to bid your children goodnight. little by little, the crowd grows quiet. in exchange, we have been consigned to the lies and racist innuendo of the tabloids. and there we have lived without complaint - until now. but perhaps soon- after learning of our hardships and sacrifices, you may decide that our humble lives may, in some way, have a value. and a meaning- i pray that you will allow us to defend your good fortune- to guarantee the blessing that is a peaceful night's sleep. a night free from monsters and nightmares. and if so- if so- then all we ask in return. from you. is a little respect and the chance, remote as it may be, to prove ourselves worthy of a tiny, tiny place in this- god's earth. come on. we have work to do- sorry. i don't drink. no- you destroy it. we'll never get in- he adjusts the valves at the tips of his fingers and approaches the lock. johann's s ecto-tendrils enter the- gentlemen: welcome to troll market. what about this?? do you recognize this seal? please. we'll make it worth your while. the shop owner claps his hands. berserker takes two steps forward, roaring. its iron shoes go clomp-clomp!! you're vouching for her, i take it. mr sapien? - of warriors. the children of the earth. i'm sorry, princess nuala. with such a fierce bloodline, we cannot take your claim of allegiance at face value. he produces the ancient seal. i feared as much. golden army. the unstoppable tide. there has been nothing to substantiate such a there. stairs to the street. i have a plan- he looks at abe- so, lead him to the bridge. hellboy looks over the buildings and sees the brooklyn bridge in the distance. if you'll permit me. johann opens his fingers, and plunges both arms deep into the mechanism! instantly, the diesel engine starts up. stand back, abe. a hydraulic strut lifts the spool, then pitches it through the air, spinning off 300 yards of cable. it splashes down near the far shore of the east river. now, tie it onto the pontoons on the other side. quickly, abe! macht schnell! abe - make it fast! the cable is a yard short of the anchor point! abe tugs on no more available! the elemental's feet stomp through the river; he stumbles as he encounters the submerged cable. burn the roots!!! burn them!!i he points at the roots trailing into the river. liz concentrates and a bolt of fierce white-hot energy pours out of her hands, burning the roots at the elemental's feet. johann gyrates; the cable responds, whipping up out of the river! with a bellow, the elemental loses his balance; he tosses hellboy high into the air. on the way down, hellboy grabs a support stay and swings back and forth like a red monkey. he lands atop of the elemental's back, right behind his head. you'll permit a small criticism? you take too much time to aim, to think. nein. just point- like afinger- as if you wish for something. speed is of the essence. you must work on it. i'm willing to spend some - johann reaches for his loader, accidentally knocks heliboy's onto the floor. on the contrary. she- who-?? you think i'm after liz, don't you? well, i'm not. you forget. i'm part of the team now, such interactions are inev- that's not a word- no, it isn't- hellboy raises his stone fist. oh, i see- you want to punch me- that's how you win an argument. well, you're big, i'll give you that much- -and you're strong- but you're slow. very- slow- i've seen your fighting style. very slow- wham-! hellboy cracks johann over the head with his massive fist. to his surprise, the johann's glass ball cranium shatters! see? speed is the key. the vaporous form of johann's body emerges from the lockers and wanders away. the locker room doors open and close as he goes by. hellboy tries to stand, wobbles and sits. are you alright-? liz nods weakly. may i be of assistance?? he's a big brute, isn't he?? liz chuckles. but he has a good heart. i know it. he means well. in what way, mein frau?? it never is. i know. lis looks at him with renewed interest. i was married once. a long, long time ago. and only after i lost her- i realized that my life would never be quite the same- and my loss lead me to become what i am today. johann's human face materializes inside his glass helmet. i- i tried constantly to make contact with her- it was only there- in the ethereal plane that i ever gazed upon her again. camera close in on several ceremonial candles burning in the room. their flame illuminating the eerie scene. i owe professor broom everything that i've become. he brought me back to life- he grows silent for a brief moment. but i've never been able to see her again. my reach became limited- my loss, infinite. liz puts her hand on his shoulder. johann takes it. loss- the very threat of it makes us vulnerable. makes us care- you can see that, don't you?? without her i became but an empty shell. liz leans her head on his shoulder. don't give up on him. not yet. liz chuckles. i'm not going on. and if i may- a word of you don't know how people may react. i know you don't like me, but trust me on this one. do as you may- but know this- he wouldn't have approved of your behaviour. a p.a. opens the door. i'll be watching from the truck lab, where i belong- go, enjoy your fifteen minutes. he walks away. uh oh. manning, i think your polls just tanked. he turns to see the map- lit like a christmas tree. mein gott- arm yourself! use the flail!. he'll demand the gold piece- the rebellion's spreading too fast- the only way to stop it is to stop the prince. liz. that may be his destiny. manning is right: we can't take the chance. liz glares at him. good evening, friends. on the contrary. i've been giving it some thought, and we should be able to save hellboy. after all, the prince lacks the gold crown. without it, his army poses no threat. none at all. abe is very quiet. i'll give it a try- abe smiles at the sound of the engines starting up. abe, bring the mapcase over here. he's found a roundish slot in the tree, where the lowest branch joins the trunk. abe slips the map back into its crystal cylinder and holds it alongside: it looks to be a perfect fit. before you do anything. remember what we're in for. a world unlike anything we've ever known. dangerous, deceptive. dangerous, deceptive. and hard to leave. they walk under the tree roots, into. what will it cost, boatman? the goblin smiles, displaying a disconcerting row of triangular teeth. i have a. belt! our ferry captain - he wants his payment. abe and i have found the entrance to the golden army's resting place- liz come with us- you should stay behind and get some rest- there. abe points at the violent sea below- hang on, people. i'll be right back. mein gott-- the stairs lead to- most ingenious. a versatile, highly mobile killing machine. we do not - the death you would unleash will never happen! what you need is far from here and will stay out of your reach forever. oh, my god. what has he done? keeping his eyes on the princess, abe gives the gold piece to the prince. hellboy steps forward, feeling dizzy and betrayed. invincibility!? so - the only one thing may stop them - johann unzips his suit; with a hisss, his ectoplasmic self flows out, into the body of the nearest mechanical soldier! ach. they are too many. anyone have another idea? hellboy grabs the nearest sword and hauls himself to his feet. hellboy's too weak- summoning up his last ounce of strength, hellboy manages to drive the prince back into the center of the arena, where they fight under the inscrutable gaze of the golden army. every time hellboy gets a clean shot at the prince, abe looks at him, pleading, and hb has no choice but to keep parrying off his enemy. hellboy's sword grows heavy in his hands; he stares at it in dismay as it trembles. his muscles can no longer respond. the prince is ready to kill him. any last minute requests? manning, you're an asshole.