so- this "hellboy" what is he?? is he really on our side?? i mean, he's red, has a tail and shaves his horns- horns, ladies and gentleman. horns are never a good sign. maybe we should have him come over and talk to us a little, uh? whaddayathink?? the crowd roars. ladies and gentlemen, yesterday we saw some extraordinary things on tv. and tonight you're in for more. please extend a warm, warm welcome to hellboy, liz sherman, abe sapien, and special agent tom manning. uproarious applause as the bprd team comes out and make their way to the couch. what planet are you from? so, hellboy: what's your favorite food? devil's food cake? do you have a last name? more laughter at hb. liz mortified. she touches hb's hand to restrain him. cameras zoom in on this. whoa. what's that- are you two an item? care to comment on that? sounds like you're contemplating marriage! folks, this is modern america. a guy in rhode island married his motorcycle! what's a little inter-species romance in this day and age? okay, here's what we've really been wondering: is he just like every guy? in every respect? i mean, he looks like a guy. we we're getting pre-empted, ladies and gentlemen. please, bare with us. we'll be right back- camera pushes in on one of the monitors: friends of yours? then, may i ask what you're doing here? shouldn't you be out protecting humanity instead of hooking up with our women? at last, hellboy explodes. bellowing, he rips up the desk and throws it through the backdrop!